Source code for HErmes.fitting.model

Provide a simple, easy to use model for fitting data and especially
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import absolute_import

from future import standard_library

from functools import reduce

import numpy as np
import dashi as d
import pylab as p
import iminuit
import types
import functools
import sys
import inspect
from copy import deepcopy as copy

import scipy.optimize as optimize
import seaborn.apionly as sb

from . import functions as funcs
from .. import utils as u
Logger = u.Logger

default_color = "r"
    default_color = sb.color_palette("dark")[2]
except Exception as e:
    Logger.warn("Can not use seaborn dark colorpalette for setting the default color! Exception thrown {}".\

if sys.version_info < (3,0):
    def copy_func(f):
        """Based on (Glenn Maynard)"""
        g = types.FunctionType(f.__code__, f.__globals__, name=f.__name__,
        #g = types.FunctionType(f.func_code, f.func_globals, name=f.func_name,
        #                   argdefs=f.func_defaults,
        #                   closure=f.func_closure)
        g = functools.update_wrapper(g, f)
        return g
[docs] def copy_func(f): """Based on (Glenn Maynard)""" g = types.FunctionType(f.__code__, f.__globals__, name=f.__name__, argdefs=f.__defaults__, closure=f.__closure__) g = functools.update_wrapper(g, f) g.__kwdefaults__ = f.__kwdefaults__ return g
[docs]def concat_functions(fncs): """ Inspect functions and construct a new one which returns the added result. concat_functions(A(x, apars), B(x, bpars)) -> C(x, apars,bpars) C(x, apars, bpars) returns (A(x, apars) + B(x, bpars)) Arguments: fncs (list): The callables to concat Returns: tuple (callable, list(pars)) """ datapar = inspect.getargspec(fncs[0]).args[0] pars = [inspect.getargspec(f).args[1:] for f in fncs] npars = [len(prs) for prs in pars] renamed_pars = [[k + str(i) for k in ipars] for i,ipars in enumerate(pars)] joint_pars = reduce( lambda x,y : x + y, renamed_pars) slices = [] lastslice = 0 for i, pr in enumerate(npars): thisslice = slice(lastslice, npars[i] + lastslice) slices.append(thisslice) lastslice += npars[i] globals().update({"concat_functions_fncs":fncs,\ "concat_functions_slices" : slices,\ "concat_functions_joint_pars" : joint_pars,\ "concat_functions_datapar" : datapar}) TEMPLATE = """def jointfunc({}): data = concat_functions_fncs[0](*([{}] + ([{}][concat_functions_slices[0]]))) for i,fn in enumerate(concat_functions_fncs[1:]): data += fn(*([{}] + ([{}][concat_functions_slices[1:][i]]))) return data """.format(datapar + "," + ",".join(joint_pars),datapar, ",".join(joint_pars),datapar, ",".join(joint_pars)) #print (TEMPLATE) exec (TEMPLATE, globals()) return jointfunc, joint_pars
[docs]def construct_efunc(x, data, jointfunc, joint_pars): """ Construct a least-squares function Args: x: data: jointfunc: joint_pars: Returns: """ datapar = inspect.getargspec(jointfunc).args[0] print (datapar) #print ("{}".format(datapar)) globals().update({"jointfunc" : jointfunc,\ "{}".format(datapar) : x,\ "data" : data}) EFUNC = """def efunc({}): return ((abs(data - jointfunc({}))**2).sum())""".format(",".join(joint_pars), datapar + "," + ",".join(joint_pars)) print (EFUNC) exec (EFUNC, globals()) return efunc
[docs]def create_minuit_pardict(fn, startparams, errors, limits, errordef): """ Construct a dictionary for minuit fitting Args: fn (callable): errors (list): limits (list(tuple)): Returns: dict """ parnames = inspect.getargspec(fn).args mindict = dict() print (parnames) for i,k in enumerate(parnames): print (k) mindict[k] = startparams[i] if not errors is None: mindict["error_" + k] = errors[i] if not limits is None: mindict["limit_" + k] = (limits[i][0], limits[i][1]) mindict["errordef"] = errordef return mindict
[docs]class Model(object): """ Model data with a parametrized prediction """ def __init__(self, func,\ startparams=None,\ limits=((-np.inf, np.inf),),\ errors=(10.,), func_norm=1): """ Initialize a new model Args: func: the function to predict the data startparams (tuple): A set of startparameters. norm: multiply the result of func when evaluated with norm """ # if no startparams are given, construct # and initialize with 0es. # FIXME: better estimate? if startparams is None: startparams = [0]*(func.__code__.co_argcount - 1) # first argument is not a free parameter. #def normed_func(*args): # return func_norm*func(*args) self._callbacks = [copy_func(func)] self.startparams = list(startparams) self.n_params = [len(startparams)] self.best_fit_params = list(startparams) self.coupling_variable = [] self.all_coupled = False = None self.xs = None self.chi2_ndf = None self.chi2_ndf_components = [] self.norm = 1 self.ndf = 1 self.func_norm = [float(func_norm)] self.prediction = lambda xs: reduce(lambda x, y: x + y,\ [self.func_norm[i]*f(xs) for i,f in enumerate(self.components)]) self.first_guess = None self._distribution = None @property def distribution(self): return self._distribution
[docs] def set_distribution(self, distr): """ Assing a distribution to the model Args: distr: Returns: """ self._distribution = distr
#def construct_minuit_function(self): # func_args, coupling = self.extract_parameters() # parameter_set = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g"] # if self.all_coupled: # func_args = func_args[0] # # x is always 0 # fnc_src = """def to_minimize({}):\n\t # """ # #def to_minimize() @property def n_free_params(self): """ The number of free parameters of this model Returns: int """ return sum(self.n_free_params) def _create_distribution(self, data, bins,\ normalize=False, density=True): """ Create a distribution Args: data (np.ndarray): bins (np.ndarray or int): Keyword Args: normalize (bool): density (bool): Returns: None """ if np.isscalar(bins): bins = np.linspace(min(data), max(data), bins) h = d.factory.hist1d(data, bins) if normalize: h_norm = h.normalized(density=density) norm = h.bincontent / h_norm.bincontent norm = norm[np.isfinite(norm)][0] self.norm = norm self.set_distribution(h_norm) else: self.norm = 1 self.set_distribution(h) = self.distribution.bincontent self.xs = self.distribution.bincenters
[docs] def add_first_guess(self, func): """ Use func to estimate better startparameters Args: func: Has to yield a set of startparameters Returns: """ assert self.all_coupled or len(self.n_params) == 1, "Does not work yet if not all variables are coupled" self.first_guess = func
[docs] def eval_first_guess(self, data): """ Assign a new set of start parameters obtained by calling the first geuss metthod :param data: :return: """ assert self.first_guess is not None, "No first guess method provided! Run Model.add_first_guess " newstartparams = list(self.first_guess(data)) assert len(newstartparams) == len(self.startparams), "first guess algorithm must yield startparams!" self.startparams = newstartparams
[docs] def couple_models(self, coupling_variable): """ Couple the models by a variable, which means use the variable not independently in all model components, but fit it only once. E.g. if there are 3 models with parameters p1, p2, k each and they are coupled by k, parameters p11, p21, p12, p22, and k will be fitted instead of p11, p12, k1, p21, p22, k2. Args: coupling_variable: variable number of the number in startparams Returns: None """ assert len(np.unique(self.n_params)) == 1,\ "Models have different numbers of parameters,difficult to couple!" self.coupling_variable.append(coupling_variable)
[docs] def construct_error_function(self, startparams, errors, limits, errordef): concated, concated_pars = concat_functions(self._callbacks) error_func = construct_efunc(self.xs,, concated, concated_pars) pardict = create_minuit_pardict(error_func, startparams, errors, limits, errordef) return error_func, pardict
[docs] def couple_all_models(self): """ Use the first models startparams for the combined model Returns: None """ self.all_coupled = True # if self.all_coupled: self.startparams = self.startparams[0:self.n_params[0]]
def __add__(self, other): """ Add another component to the model Args: other: Returns: """ newmodel = Model(lambda x :x) # hack the new model to be like self newmodel._callbacks = self._callbacks + other._callbacks newmodel.startparams = self.startparams + other.startparams newmodel.n_params = self.n_params + other.n_params newmodel.best_fit_params = newmodel.startparams newmodel.func_norm = self.func_norm + other.func_norm return newmodel @property def components(self): lastslice = 0 thecomponents = [] for i, cmp in enumerate(self._callbacks): thisslice = slice(lastslice, self.n_params[i] + lastslice) tmpcmp = copy(cmp) # hack - otherwise it will not work :\ lastslice += self.n_params[i] best_fit = self.best_fit_params[thisslice] if self.all_coupled: best_fit = self.best_fit_params[0:self.n_params[0]] yield lambda xs: self.func_norm[i]*tmpcmp(xs, *best_fit)
[docs] def extract_parameters(self): """ Get the variable names and coupling references for the individual model components Returns: tuple """ all_pars = [] for i in self._callbacks: all_pars.append(iminuit.describe(i)) return all_pars, self.coupling_variable
def __call__(self, xs, *params): """ Return the model prediction Args: xs (np.ndaarray): the values the model should be evaluated on Returns: np.ndarray """ thecomponents = [] firstparams = params[0:self.n_params[0]] first = self.func_norm[0]*self._callbacks[0](xs, *firstparams) lastslice = self.n_params[0] for i, cmp in enumerate(self._callbacks[1:]): thisslice = slice(lastslice, self.n_params[1:][i] + lastslice) # tmpcmp = copy(cmp) theparams = list(params[thisslice]) if self.coupling_variable: for k in self.coupling_variable: theparams[k] = firstparams[k] elif self.all_coupled: theparams = firstparams # thecomponents.append(lambda xs: tmpcmp(xs, *params[thisslice])) lastslice += self.n_params[1:][i] first += self.func_norm[i]*cmp(xs, *theparams) return first
[docs] def add_data(self, data, bins=200,\ create_distribution=False,\ normalize=False,\ density=True,\ xs=None,\ subtract=None): """ Add some data to the model, in preparation for the fit Args: data (np.array): Keyword Args nbins (int): subtract (callable): normalize (bool): normalize the data before adding density (bool): if normalized, assume the data is a pdf. if False, use bincount for normalization. Returns: """ if np.isscalar(bins): nbins = bins else: nbins = len(bins) if create_distribution: self._create_distribution(data, bins, normalize, density=density) self.ndf = nbins - len(self.startparams) else: assert xs is not None, "Have to give xs if not histogramming!" = data self.xs = xs self.ndf = len(data) - len(self.startparams) if subtract is not None: -= subtract(self.xs)
[docs] def fit_to_data(self, silent=False,\ use_minuit=True,\ errors=None,\ limits=None,\ errordef=1000,\ **kwargs): """ Apply this model to data Args: data (np.ndarray): the data, unbinned silent (bool): silence output use_minuit (bool): use minuit for fitting errors (list): errors for minuit, see miniuit manual limits (list of tuples): limits for minuit, see minuit manual errordef (int) : convergence criterion, see minuit manual **kwargs: will be passed on to scipy.optimize.curvefit Returns: None """ startparams = self.startparams if not silent: print("Using start params...", startparams) fitkwargs = {"maxfev": 1000000, "xtol": 1e-10, "ftol": 1e-10} if "bounds" in kwargs: fitkwargs.pop("maxfev") # this is a matplotlib quirk fitkwargs["max_nfev"] = 1000000 fitkwargs.update(kwargs) if use_minuit: errorfunc, params = self.construct_error_function(self.startparams,\ errors,\ limits,\ errordef) m = iminuit.Minuit(errorfunc, **params) m.migrad() values = m.values print (values, "result") parameters=[] for k in sorted(m.var2pos, key=m.var2pos.get): print (k) parameters.append(m.values[k]) covariance_matrix = [] else: parameters, covariance_matrix = optimize.curve_fit(self, self.xs,\, p0=startparams,\ # bounds=(np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0] + [0]*len(start_params[5:])),\ # np.array([np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, np.inf] +\ # [np.inf]*len(start_params[5:]))),\ # max_nfev=100000) # method="lm",\ **fitkwargs) if not silent: print("Fit yielded parameters", parameters) if (not silent) and (not use_minuit): print("{:4.2f} NANs in covariance matrix".format(len(covariance_matrix[np.isnan(covariance_matrix)]))) if not silent: print("##########################################") # simple GOF #norm = 1 #if normalize: # norm = h.bincontent / h_norm.bincontent # norm = norm[np.isfinite(norm)][0] #self.norm = norm chi2 = (funcs.calculate_chi_square(self.norm*, self.norm * self(self.xs, *parameters))) self.chi2_ndf = chi2/self.ndf # FIXME: new feature #for cmp in self.components: # thischi2 = (calculate_chi_square(h.bincontent, norm * cmp(h.bincenters))) # self.chi2_ndf_components.append(thischi2/nbins) if not silent: print("Obtained chi2 and chi2/ndf of {:4.2f} {:4.2f}".format(chi2, self.chi2_ndf)) self.best_fit_params = parameters return parameters
#self.best_fit_params = fit_model(data, nbins, model, startparams, **kwargs)
[docs] def clear(self): """ Reset the model Returns: None """ self.__init__(self._callbacks[0], self.startparams[:self.n_params[0]])
[docs] def plot_result(self, ymin=1000, xmax=8,\ ylabel="normed bincount",\ xlabel="Q [C]", fig=None,\ log=True,\ axes_range="auto", model_alpha=.3,\ add_parameter_text=((r"$\mu_{{SPE}}$& {:4.2e}\\",0),), histostyle="scatter", datacolor="k", modelcolor=default_color): """ Show the fit result Args: ymin (float): limit the yrange to ymin xmax (float): limit the xrange to xmax model_alpha (float): 0 <= x <= 1 the alpha value of the lineplot for the model ylabel (str): label for yaxis log (bool): plot in log scale axes_range (str): the "field of view" to show fig (pylab.figure): A figure instance add_parameter_text (tuple): Display a parameter in the table on the plot ((text, parameter_number), (text, parameter_number),...) datacolor (matplotlib color compatible) modelcolor (matplotlib color compatible) Returns: pylab.figure """ assert self.chi2_ndf is not None, "Needs to be fitted first before plotting!" def auto_adjust_limits(ax, data, xs): scalemax, scalemin = 1.1, 0.9 ymax, ymin = scalemax*max(data), scalemin*min(data) xmax, xmin = scalemax*max(xs[abs(data) > 0]), scalemin*min(xs[abs(data) >0]) print (xmin, xmax) print (ymin, ymax) ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) return ax if fig is None: fig = p.figure() ax = fig.gca() if self.distribution is not None: self.distribution.__getattribute__(histostyle)(color=datacolor) else: ax.plot(self.xs,, color=datacolor) infotext = r"\begin{tabular}{ll}" ax.plot(self.xs, self.prediction(self.xs), color=default_color, alpha=model_alpha) for comp in self.components: ax.plot(self.xs, comp(self.xs), linestyle=":", lw=1, color="k") infotext += r"$\chi^2/ndf$ & {:4.2f}\\".format(self.chi2_ndf) ax.set_ylim(ymin=ymin) ax.set_xlim(xmax=xmax) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if axes_range == "auto": ax = auto_adjust_limits(ax,, self.xs) if self.distribution is not None: infotext += r"entries& {}\\".format(self.distribution.stats.nentries) if add_parameter_text is not None: for partext in add_parameter_text: infotext += partext[0].format(self.best_fit_params[partext[1]]) #infotext += r"$\mu_{{SPE}}$& {:4.2e}\\".format(self.best_fit_params[mu_spe_is_par]) infotext += r"\end{tabular}" ax.text(0.9, 0.9, infotext, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes) if log: ax.set_yscale("symlog", linthreshy=1) #sb.despine() return fig