Source code for HErmes.selection.cut

Remove part of the data which falls below a certain criteria.

from __future__ import absolute_import

from builtins import object
from .variables import Variable as V

from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy as copy
import operator
operator_lookup = {\
    ">" :,\
    "==" : operator.eq,\
    "<" :,\
    ">=" :,\
    "<=" : operator.le\

inv_operator_lookup = {v: k for k, v in list(operator_lookup.items())}

[docs]class Cut(object): """ Cuts are basically conditions on a set of parameters. """ def __init__(self, *cuts, **kwargs): """ Args: cuts (list): like this [("mc_p_energy",">=",5)] Keyword Args: condition (dict): where to apply the cut. It has te be a dictionary of categoryname to np.ndarray(bool) Returns: HErmes.selection.Cut """ self.condition = None = None if "condition" in kwargs: self.condition = kwargs["condition"] if 'name' in kwargs: = kwargs['name'] self.cutdict = defaultdict(list) for var, operation, value in cuts: # FIXME: most likely this has to go away... if isinstance(var, V): name = if isinstance(var, str): name = var else: raise TypeError("Unable to understand variable type {}!".format(name)) self.cutdict[name].append((operator_lookup[operation],value)) @property def variablenames(self): """ The names of the variables the cut will be applied to """ return list(self.cutdict.keys()) def __add__(self, other): new = copy(self) for k in other.cutdict: if k in self.cutdict: new.cutdict[k] += other.cutdict[k] else: new.cutdict[k] = other.cutdict[k] if other.condition is None: pass else: # condition is dict catname -> np.ndarray(bool) if new.condition is None: new.condition = other.condition else: for k in other.condition: if k in self.condition: new.condition[k] = np.logical_and(self.condition[k],\ other.condition[k]) else: new.condition[k] = other.condition[k] return new def __iter__(self): """ Return name, cutfunc pairs Yields: tuple """ # flatten out the cutdict for k in list(self.cutdict.keys()): for j in self.cutdict[k]: yield k, j def __repr__(self): if self.condition is not None: rep = """< Cut with condition | \n""" else: rep = """< Cut | \n""" for i, (j, k) in sorted(self): rep += """| {0} {1} {2} \n""".format(i,inv_operator_lookup[j],k) rep += """| >""" return rep