Source code for HErmes.selection.variables

Container classes for variables

from builtins import object
import numpy as n # remove that in the future
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
import tables
import abc
import enum

from ..utils import files as f
from ..utils.logger import Logger
from future.utils import with_metaclass



    import uproot as ur

except ImportError:
    Logger.warning("No uproot found, root support is limited!")

# define a non-member function so that it can be used in a
# multiprocessing approach
[docs]def extract_from_root(filename, definitions, nevents=None, reduce_dimension=None): """ Use the uproot system to get information from rootfiles. Supports a basic tree of primitive datatype like structure. Args: filename (str): datafile defininitiions (list): tree and branch adresses Keyword Args: nevents (int): number of events to read out reduce_dimension (int): If data is vector-type, reduce it by taking the n-th element """ can_be_concatted = False file = success = False i=0 branch = None # it will most likely work only with TTrees while not success: try: tree = file.get(definitions[i][0]) branch = tree for address in definitions[i][1:]: branch = branch.get(address) #tree = file[definitions[i][0]] #branch = file[definitions[i][0]].get(definitions[i][1]) success = True except KeyError as e: Logger.warning("Can not find address {}".format(definitions[i])) i+=1 except IndexError: Logger.critical("None of the provided keys could be found {}".format(definitions)) break Logger.debug("Found valid definitions {}".format(definitions[i])) #FiXME make logger.critical end program! if nevents is not None: data = branch.array(entrystop=nevents) else: data = branch.array() # check for dimensionality multidim = False try: len(data[0]) multidim = True Logger.debug("Assuming array data {}".format(definitions[i])) except TypeError: Logger.debug("Assuming scalar data {}".format(definitions[i])) if reduce_dimension is not None: if not multidim: raise ValueError("Can not reduce scalar data!") if isinstance(reduce_dimension, int): data = np.array([k[reduce_dimension] for k in data]) multidim = False else: data = [[k[reduce_dimension[1]] for k in j] for j in data] if multidim: Logger.debug("Grabbing multidimensional data from root-tree for {}".format(definitions[i])) if nevents is None: data = branch.array() #this will be a jagged array now! else: data = branch.array(entrystop=nevents) tmpdata = [np.array(i) for i in data] # the below might not be picklable (multiprocessing!) #tmpdata = [i for i in data] # FIXME: dataframe/series # try to convert this to a pandas dataframe #data = pd.DataFrame(tmpdata) data = pd.Series(tmpdata) can_be_concatted = True #data.shape = (len(data),None) #data.ndim = 2 else: Logger.debug("Grabbing scalar data from root-tree for {}".format(definitions[i])) data = pd.Series(np.asarray(data)) can_be_concatted = True return data, can_be_concatted
################################################################ # define a non-member function so that it can be used in a # multiprocessing approach
[docs]def harvest(filenames, definitions, **kwargs): """ Read variables from files into memory. Will be used by HErmes.selection.variables.Variable.harvest This will be run multi-threaded. Keep that in mind, arguments have to be picklable, also everything thing which is read out must be picklable. Lambda functions are NOT picklable Args: filenames (list): the files to extract the variables from. currently supported: hdf definitions (list): where to find the data in the files. They usually have some tree-like structure, so this a list of leaf-value pairs. If there is more than one all of them will be tried. (As it might be that in some files a different naming scheme was used) Example: [("hello_reoncstruction", "x"), ("hello_reoncstruction", "y")] ] Keyword Args: transformation (func): After the data is read out from the files, transformation will be applied, e.g. the log to the energy. fill_empty (bool): Fill empty fields with zeros nevents (int): ROOT only - read out only nevents from the files reduce_dimension (str): ROOT only - multidimensional data can be reduced by only using the index given by reduce_dimension. E.g. in case of a TVector3, and we want to have onlz x, that would be 0, y -> 1 and z -> 2. FIXME: Not implemented yet! precision (int): Precision in bit Returns: pd.Series or pd.DataFrame """ nevents = kwargs["nevents"] if "nevents" in kwargs else None fill_empty = kwargs["fill_empty"] if "fill_empty" in kwargs else False reduce_dimension = kwargs["reduce_dimension"] if "reduce_dimension" in kwargs else None transform = kwargs["transformation"] if "transformation" in kwargs else None concattable = True data = pd.Series() #multidim_data = pd.DataFrame() for filename in filenames: filetype = f.strip_all_endings(filename)[1] assert filetype in REGISTERED_FILEEXTENSIONS, "Filetype {} not known!".format(filetype) assert os.path.exists(filename), "File {} does not exist!".format(filetype) Logger.debug("Attempting to harvest {1} file {0}".format(filename,filetype)) if filetype == ".h5" and not isinstance(filename, tables.table.Table): # store = pd.HDFStore(filename) hdftable = tables.open_file(filename) else: hdftable = filename tmpdata = pd.Series() for definition in definitions: definition = list(definition) if filetype == ".h5": if not definition[0].startswith("/"): definition[0] = "/" + definition[0] try: # data = store.select_column(*definition) if not definition[1]: tmpdata = hdftable.get_node(definition[0]) else: tmpdata = hdftable.get_node(definition[0]).col(definition[1]) if tmpdata.ndim == 2: if data.empty: data = pd.DataFrame() tmpdata = pd.DataFrame(tmpdata, dtype=n.float32) else: tmpdata = pd.Series(tmpdata, dtype=n.float32) Logger.debug("Found {} entries in table for {}{}".format(len(tmpdata),definition[0],definition[1])) break except tables.NoSuchNodeError: Logger.debug("Can not find definition {0} in {1}! ".format(definition, filename)) continue elif filetype == ".root": tmpdata, concattable = extract_from_root(filename, definitions, nevents=nevents, reduce_dimension=reduce_dimension) if filetype == ".h5": hdftable.close() #tmpdata = harvest_single_file(filename, filetype,definitions) # = # concat should be much faster if not concattable: logger.warn("Data can not be concatted, keep that in mind!") return tmpdata data = pd.concat([data, tmpdata]) del tmpdata #print (data) return data
[docs]def freedman_diaconis_bins(data,leftedge,\ rightedge,minbins=20,\ maxbins=70,fallbackbins=DEFAULT_BINS): """ Get a number of bins for a histogram following Freedman/Diaconis Args: leftedge (float): left bin edge rightedge (float): right bin edge minbins (int): the minimum number of bins maxbins (int): the maximum number of bins fallbackbins (int): a number of bins which is returned if calculation failse Returns: nbins (int): number of bins, minbins < bins < maxbins """ try: finite_data = n.isfinite(data) q3 = n.percentile(data[finite_data],75) q1 = n.percentile(data[finite_data],25) n_data = len(data) h = (2*(q3-q1))/(n_data**1./3) bins = (rightedge - leftedge)/h if not n.isfinite(bins): Logger.warn("Calculate Freedman-Draconis bins failed, calculated nan bins, returning fallback") bins = fallbackbins if bins < minbins: bins = minbins if bins > maxbins: bins = maxbins except Exception as e: Logger.warn("Calculate Freedman-Draconis bins failed {0}".format( e.__repr__())) bins = fallbackbins return bins
[docs]class VariableRole(enum.Enum): """ Define roles for variables. Some variables used in a special context (like weights) are easily recognizable by this flag. """ UNKNOWN = 0 SCALAR = 10 ARRAY = 20 GENERATORWEIGHT = 30 RUNID = 40 EVENTID = 50 STARTIME = 60 ENDTIME = 70
[docs]class AbstractBaseVariable(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)): """ Read out tagged numerical data from files """ _harvested = False _bins = None ROLES = VariableRole def __hash__(self): return hash( def __repr__(self): return """<Variable: {}>""".format( def __eq__(self,other): return == def __lt__(self, other): return sorted([,])[0] == def __gt__(self, other): return sorted([,])[1] == def __le__(self, other): return self < other or self == other def __ge__(self, other): return self > other or self == other
[docs] def declare_harvested(self): self._harvested = True
@property def harvested(self): return self._harvested @property def bins(self): if self._bins is None: return self.calculate_fd_bins() else: return self._bins @bins.setter def bins(self, value): self._bins = value
[docs] def calculate_fd_bins(self): """ Calculate a reasonable binning Returns: numpy.ndarray: Freedman Diaconis bins """ nbins = freedman_diaconis_bins(, min(, max( self.bins = n.linspace(min(,max(, nbins) return self.bins
[docs] def harvest(self, *files): """ Hook to the harvest method. Don't use in case of multiprocessing! Args: *files: walk through these files and readout """ self._data = harvest(files, self.definitions) self.declare_harvested()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def rewire_variables(self, vardict): return
@property def ndim(self): return self._data.ndim @property def data(self): if isinstance(self._data, pd.DataFrame): return self._data.as_matrix() if not hasattr(self._data, "shape"): Logger.warning("Something's wrong, this should be array data!") Logger.warning("Seeeing {} data".format(type(self._data))) Logger.warning("Attempting to fix!") self._data = np.asarray(self._data) return self._data
[docs]class Variable(AbstractBaseVariable): """ A hook to a single variable read out from a file """ def __init__(self, name, definitions=None,\ bins=None, label="", transform=lambda x: x, role=VariableRole.SCALAR, nevents=None, reduce_dimension=None): """ Args: name (str): An unique identifier Keyword Args: definitions (list): table and/or column names in underlying data bins (numpy.ndarray): used for histograms label (str): used for plotting and as a label in tables transform (func): apply to each member of the underlying data at readout role (HErmes.selection.variables.VariableRole): The role the variable is playing. In most cases the default is the best choice nevents (int): number of events to read in (ROOT only right now!) reduce_dimension (int): in case of multidimensionality, take only the the given index of the array (ROOT only right now) """ AbstractBaseVariable.__init__(self) if definitions is not None: #assert not (False in [len(x) <= 2 for x in definitions]), "Can not understand variable definitions {}!".format(definitions) self.defsize = len(definitions[0]) assert not (False in [len(x) == self.defsize for x in definitions]), "All definitions must have the same length!" else: self.defsize = 0 = name self.role = role self.bins = bins # when histogrammed self.label = label self.transform = transform self.definitions = definitions self._data = pd.Series() self.nevents = nevents self.reduce_dimension = reduce_dimension #if self.defsize == 1: # = pd.DataFrame() #if self.defsize == 2: # = pd.Series()
[docs] def rewire_variables(self, vardict): """ Make sure all the variables are connected properly. This is only needed for combined/compound variables Returns: None """ pass
[docs]class CompoundVariable(AbstractBaseVariable): """ Calculate a variable from other variables. This kind of variable will not read any file. """ def __init__(self, name, variables=None, label="",\ bins=None, operation=lambda x,y : x + y, role=VariableRole.SCALAR): """ Args: name (str): An unique identifier for the new variable. Keyword Args: variables (list): A list of variables used to calculate the new variable. label (str): A label for plotting. bins (np.ndarray): binning for distributions. operation (fnc): The operation which will be applied to variables. role (HErmes.selection.variables.VariableRole): The role the variable is playing. In most cases the default is the best choice """ AbstractBaseVariable.__init__(self) = name self.role = role self.label = label self.bins = bins if variables is None: variables = [] self.variables = variables self.operation = operation self._data = pd.Series() self.definitions = ((self.__repr__()),)
[docs] def rewire_variables(self, vardict): """ Use to avoid the necessity to read out variables twice as the variables are copied over by the categories, the refernce is lost. Can be rewired though """ newvars = [] for var in self.variables: newvars.append(vardict[]) self.variables = newvars
def __repr__(self): return """<CompoundVariable {} created from: {}>""".format(,"".join([ for x in self.variables ]))
[docs] def harvest(self, *filenames): #FIXME: filenames is not used, just #there for compatibility if self.harvested: return harvested = [var for var in self.variables if var.harvested] if not len(harvested) == len(self.variables): Logger.error("Variables have to be harvested for compound variable {0} first!".format(self.variables)) Logger.error("Only {} is harvested".format(harvested)) return self._data = self.operation(*[ for var in self.variables]) self.declare_harvested()
[docs]class VariableList(AbstractBaseVariable): """ A list of variable. Can not be read out from files. """ def __init__(self, name, variables=None, label="", bins=None, role=VariableRole.SCALAR): """ Args: name (str): An unique identifier for the new category. Keyword Args: variables (list): A list of variables used to calculate the new variable. label (str): A label for plotting. bins (np.ndarray): binning for distributions. role (HErmes.selection.variables.VariableRole): The role the variable is playing. In most cases the default is the best choice """ AbstractBaseVariable.__init__(self) = name self.label = label self.bins = bins if variables is None: variables = [] self.variables = variables
[docs] def harvest(self, *filenames): #FIXME: filenames is not used, just #there for compatibility # do not calculate weights yet! if self.harvested: return harvested = [var for var in self.variables if var.harvested] if not len(harvested) == len(self.variables): Logger.error("Variables have to be harvested for compound variable {} first!".format( return self.declare_harvested()
[docs] def rewire_variables(self, vardict): """ Use to avoid the necessity to read out variables twice as the variables are copied over by the categories, the refernce is lost. Can be rewired though """ newvars = [] for var in self.variables: newvars.append(vardict[]) self.variables = newvars
@property def data(self): return [ for x in self.variables]