Source code for HErmes.utils.itools

Tools for managing iterables
from __future__ import division

from builtins import range
from past.utils import old_div

import numpy as np

from . import logger
Logger = logger.Logger

[docs]def slicer(list_to_slice, slices): """ *Generator* Slice a list in individual slices Args: list_to_slice (list): a list of items slices (int): how many lists will be sliced of Returns: list: slices of the given list """ #FIXME: there must be something in the std lib.. # implementing this because I am flying anyway # right now and have nothing to do.. if slices == 0: slices = 1 # prevent ZeroDivisionError maxslice = old_div(len(list_to_slice),slices) if (maxslice*slices) < len(list_to_slice) : maxslice += 1"Sliced list in {} slices with a maximum slice index of {}" .format(slices,maxslice)) for index in range(0,slices): lower_bound = index*maxslice upper_bound = lower_bound + maxslice thisslice = list_to_slice[lower_bound:upper_bound] yield thisslice
[docs]def flatten(iterable_of_iterables): """ Concat an iterable of iterables in a single iterable, chaining its elements Args: iterable_of_iterables (iterable): Currently supported is dimensionality of 2 Returns: np.ndarray """ newarray = np.array([]) for k in iterable_of_iterables: newarray = np.hstack((newarray,np.asarray(k))) return newarray