Source code for HErmes.analysis.tasks

Multi-step operations which might be ultimatly performed on variables in 
a dataset

[docs]def construct_slices(name, bins): """ Prepare a set of cuts for the variable with name "name" in the dataset This will just create the bins. This has then to be handed over to the HErmes.cut.Cut class for further application on a dataset. Args: name (str) : The name of the variable in the dataset bins (array) : bincenters of the slices Returns: tuple (list of strings, list of cuttuples) """ l_binedges = bins[:-1] r_binedges = bins[1:] cuts = [[(name, ">", i), (name, "<=", j)] for i, j in zip(l_binedges, r_binedges)] labels = ["{:4.2f} - {:4.2f}".format(i, j) for i,j in zip(l_binedges, r_binedges)] return labels, cuts