Source code for HErmes.fitting.model

Provide a simple, easy to use model for fitting data and especially
distributions. The model is capable of having "components", which can
be defined and fitted individually.

from functools import reduce

import numpy as np
import dashi as d
import pylab as p
import iminuit
import types
import functools
import inspect
from copy import deepcopy as copy

import scipy.optimize as optimize
import seaborn as sb

from . import functions as funcs
from .. import utils as u
Logger = u.Logger

default_color = "r"
    default_color = sb.color_palette("dark")[2]
except Exception as e:
    Logger.warn("Can not use seaborn dark colorpalette for setting the default color! Exception thrown {}".\

[docs]def copy_func(f): """ Based on (Glenn Maynard) Basically recreate the function f independently. Args: f (callable): the function f will be cloned """ g = types.FunctionType(f.__code__, f.__globals__, name=f.__name__, argdefs=f.__defaults__, closure=f.__closure__) g = functools.update_wrapper(g, f) g.__kwdefaults__ = f.__kwdefaults__ return g
[docs]def concat_functions(fncs): """ Inspect functions and construct a new one which returns the added result. concat_functions(A(x, apars), B(x, bpars)) -> C(x, apars,bpars) C(x, apars, bpars) returns (A(x, apars) + B(x, bpars)) Arguments: fncs (list): The callables to concat Returns: tuple (callable, list(pars)) """ datapar = inspect.getfullargspec(fncs[0]).args[0] pars = [inspect.getfullargspec(f).args[1:] for f in fncs] npars = [len(prs) for prs in pars] renamed_pars = [[k + str(i) for k in ipars] for i,ipars in enumerate(pars)] joint_pars = reduce( lambda x,y : x + y, renamed_pars) slices = [] lastslice = 0 for i, pr in enumerate(npars): thisslice = slice(lastslice, npars[i] + lastslice) slices.append(thisslice) lastslice += npars[i] globals().update({"concat_functions_fncs":fncs,\ "concat_functions_slices" : slices,\ "concat_functions_joint_pars" : joint_pars,\ "concat_functions_datapar" : datapar}) TEMPLATE = """def jointfunc({}): data = concat_functions_fncs[0](*([{}] + ([{}][concat_functions_slices[0]]))) for i,fn in enumerate(concat_functions_fncs[1:]): data += fn(*([{}] + ([{}][concat_functions_slices[1:][i]]))) return data """.format(datapar + "," + ",".join(joint_pars),datapar, ",".join(joint_pars),datapar, ",".join(joint_pars)) exec (TEMPLATE, globals()) return jointfunc, joint_pars
[docs]def construct_efunc(x, data, jointfunc, joint_pars): """ Construct a least-squares error function. This function will then be minimized, e.g. with the help of minuit. Args: x (np.ndarray): The x-values the fit should be evaluated on data: (np.ndarray): The y-values of the data we want to describe jointfunc: (callable): The full data model with all components joint_pars: (tuple): The model parameters Returns: callable """ # ensure that "x" is the first parameter, even if it # has a different name datapar = inspect.getfullargspec(jointfunc).args[0] globals().update({"jointfunc" : jointfunc,\ "{}".format(datapar) : x,\ "data" : data}) EFUNC = """def efunc({}): return ((abs(data - jointfunc({}))**2).sum())""".format(",".join(joint_pars), datapar + "," + ",".join(joint_pars)) exec (EFUNC, globals()) return efunc
[docs]def create_minuit_pardict(fn, startparams, errors, limits, errordef): """ Construct a dictionary for minuit fitting. This dictionary contains information for the minuit fitter like startparams or limits. Args: fn (callable): The function for which startparams (tuple): A list of startparameter. One each per parameter errors (list): ? limits (list(tuple)): A list of (min, max) tuples for each parameter, can be None errordef (float): The errordef should be 1 for a least square fit (for what this all is constructed for) or 0.5 in case of a likelihood fit Returns: dict """ parnames = inspect.getfullargspec(fn).args mindict = dict() for i,k in enumerate(parnames): mindict[k] = startparams[i] if not errors is None: mindict["error_" + k] = errors[i] if not limits is None: mindict["limit_" + k] = (limits[i][0], limits[i][1]) mindict["errordef"] = errordef return mindict
[docs]class Model(object): """ Describe data with a prediction. The Model class allows to set a function for data prediction, and fit it to the data by the means of a chi2 fit. It is possible to use a collection of functions to describe a complex model, e.g Gaussian + some exponential tail. The individual models can be fitted independently, which results in sum_i n_i de degrees of freedom for i models with n_i parameters each, or alternatively they c can be coupled and share parameters, which results in sum_i n_i - n_ij degrees of freedom where n_ij is a shared parameters. """ def __init__(self, func,\ startparams=None,\ limits=((-np.inf, np.inf),),\ errors=(10.,), func_norm=1): """ Args: func (fnc): The function which shall model the data. It has to be of the form f(x, par1, par2, ...). Only 1d fits are supported, and "x" must be the first argument. Keyword Args: Will be passed to iminuit: startparams (tuple): A set of startparameters. 1 start parameter per function parameter. A good choice of start parameters helps the fit a lot. limits (tuple): individual limit min/max for each parameter 1 tuple (min/max) per parameter errors (tuple): One value per parameter, giving an 1sigma error estimate Additional keywords: func_norm (float): multiply the result of func when evaluated with norm """ # if no startparams are given, construct # and initialize with 0es. # FIXME: better estimate? if startparams is None: startparams = [0]*(func.__code__.co_argcount - 1) # first argument is not a free parameter. #def normed_func(*args): # return func_norm*func(*args) self._callbacks = [copy_func(func)] self.startparams = list(startparams) #self.errors = [len(startparams)] self.errors = None self.n_params = [len(startparams)] self.best_fit_params = list(startparams) self.coupling_variable = [] self.all_coupled = False = None self.data_errs = None self.xs = None self.chi2_ndf = None self.chi2_ndf_components = [] self.norm = 1 self.ndf = 1 self.func_norm = [float(func_norm)] self.prediction = lambda xs: reduce(lambda x, y: x + y,\ [self.func_norm[i]*f(xs) for i,f in enumerate(self.components)]) self.first_guess = None self._distribution = None self._is_categorical = False self.covariance_matrix = None @property def distribution(self): return self._distribution
[docs] def set_distribution(self, distr): """ Adding a distribution to the model. The distribution shall contain the data we want to model. Args: distr (dashi.histogram): Returns: None """ self._distribution = distr
#def construct_minuit_function(self): # func_args, coupling = self.extract_parameters() # parameter_set = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g"] # if self.all_coupled: # func_args = func_args[0] # # x is always 0 # fnc_src = """def to_minimize({}):\n\t # """ # #def to_minimize() @property def n_free_params(self): """ The number of free parameters of this model. The free parameter in a least square fit are number of data points - fit parameters. Returns: int """ return sum(self.n_free_params) def _create_distribution(self, data, bins,\ normalize=False, density=True): """ Create a distribution out of the data with the help of dashi. Args: data (np.ndarray): input data bins (np.ndarray or int): bins to forward to the histogram creation Keyword Args: normalize (bool): normalize the resulting distribution by nentries density (bool): if together with normalize, then normalize the distribution by area, as for a pdf for example. The area under the curve will then be unity. Returns: None """ if np.isscalar(bins): bins = np.linspace(min(data), max(data), bins) h = d.factory.hist1d(data, bins) if normalize: h_norm = h.normalized(density=density) norm = h.bincontent / h_norm.bincontent norm = norm[np.isfinite(norm)][0] self.norm = norm self.set_distribution(h_norm) else: self.norm = 1 self.set_distribution(h) = self.distribution.bincontent self.xs = self.distribution.bincenters
[docs] def add_first_guess(self, func): """ Use func to estimate better startparameters for the initialization of the fit. Args: func (callable): The function func has to have the same amount of parameters as we have startparameters. Returns: None """ assert self.all_coupled or len(self.n_params) == 1, "Does not work yet if not all variables are coupled" self.first_guess = func
[docs] def eval_first_guess(self, data): """ Assign a new set of start parameters obtained by calling the first geuss metthod Args: data (np.ndarray): input data, used to evaluate the first guess method. Returns: None """ assert self.first_guess is not None, "No first guess method provided! Run Model.add_first_guess " newstartparams = list(self.first_guess(data)) assert len(newstartparams) == len(self.startparams), "first guess algorithm must yield startparams!" self.startparams = newstartparams
[docs] def couple_models(self, coupling_variable): """ Couple the models by a variable, which means use the variable not independently in all model components, but fit it only once. E.g. if there are 3 models with parameters p1, p2, k each and they are coupled by k, parameters p11, p21, p12, p22, and k will be fitted instead of p11, p12, k1, p21, p22, k2. Args: coupling_variable: variable number of the number in startparams. This *must* be the index to the respective tuple. Returns: None """ assert len(np.unique(self.n_params)) == 1,\ "Models have different numbers of parameters,difficult to couple!" self.coupling_variable.append(coupling_variable)
[docs] def construct_error_function(self, startparams, errors, limits, errordef): """ Construct the error function together with the necessary parameters for minuit. Args: startparams (tuple): A set of startparameters. 1 start parameter per function parameter. A good choice of start parameters helps the fit a lot. limits (tuple): individual limit min/max for each parameter 1 tuple (min/max) per parameter errors (tuple): One value per parameter, giving an 1sigma error estimate errordef (float): The errordef should be 1 for a least square fit (for what this all is constructed for) or 0.5 in case of a likelihood fit Returns: tuple (callable, dict) """ concated, concated_pars = concat_functions(self._callbacks) error_func = construct_efunc(self.xs,, concated, concated_pars) pardict = create_minuit_pardict(error_func, startparams, errors, limits, errordef) return error_func, pardict
[docs] def couple_all_models(self): """ "Lock" the model after all components have been added. This will determiine a set of startparameters. After this, no other models can be coupled/added any more. Returns: None """ self.all_coupled = True # if self.all_coupled: self.startparams = self.startparams[0:self.n_params[0]]
def __add__(self, other): """ Add another component to the model. This allows for more complex functions like gaussian + exponential. Args: other (Model): A full flexed model which has to be initialized with its own set of startparameters Returns: Model : A multi-compoment Model """ newmodel = Model(lambda x :x) # hack the new model to be like self newmodel._callbacks = self._callbacks + other._callbacks newmodel.startparams = self.startparams + other.startparams newmodel.n_params = self.n_params + other.n_params newmodel.best_fit_params = newmodel.startparams newmodel.func_norm = self.func_norm + other.func_norm return newmodel @property def components(self): lastslice = 0 thecomponents = [] for i, cmp in enumerate(self._callbacks): thisslice = slice(lastslice, self.n_params[i] + lastslice) tmpcmp = copy(cmp) # hack - otherwise it will not work :\ lastslice += self.n_params[i] best_fit = self.best_fit_params[thisslice] if self.all_coupled: best_fit = self.best_fit_params[0:self.n_params[0]] yield lambda xs: self.func_norm[i]*tmpcmp(xs, *best_fit)
[docs] def extract_parameters(self): """ Get the variable names and coupling references for the individual model components Returns: tuple """ all_pars = [] for i in self._callbacks: all_pars.append(iminuit.describe(i)) return all_pars, self.coupling_variable
def __call__(self, xs, *params): """ Return the model prediction Args: xs (np.ndaarray): the values the model should be evaluated on Returns: np.ndarray """ thecomponents = [] firstparams = params[0:self.n_params[0]] first = self.func_norm[0]*self._callbacks[0](xs, *firstparams) lastslice = self.n_params[0] for i, cmp in enumerate(self._callbacks[1:]): thisslice = slice(lastslice, self.n_params[1:][i] + lastslice) # tmpcmp = copy(cmp) theparams = list(params[thisslice]) if self.coupling_variable: for k in self.coupling_variable: theparams[k] = firstparams[k] elif self.all_coupled: theparams = firstparams # thecomponents.append(lambda xs: tmpcmp(xs, *params[thisslice])) lastslice += self.n_params[1:][i] first += self.func_norm[i]*cmp(xs, *theparams) return first
[docs] def add_data(self, data,\ data_errs=None,\ bins=200,\ create_distribution=False,\ normalize=False,\ density=True,\ xs=None,\ subtract=None): """ Add some data to the model, in preparation for the fit. There are two modes of this: 1) Data needs to be histogrammed, then make sure to set 'nbins' appropriatly and set the 'create_distribution' 2) Data needs NOT to be histogrammed. In that case, bins has no meaning For a meaningful calculation of chi2, the errors of the data points need to be given to data_errs Args: data (np.array) : input data Keyword Args data_errs (np.array) : errors of the data for chi2 calculation (only used when not histogramming) nbins (int/np.array) : number of bins or bin array to be passed to the histogramming routine create_distribution (bool) : data requires the creation of a histogram first before fitting subtract (callable) : ? normalize (bool) : normalize the data before adding density (bool) : if normalized, assume the data is a pdf. if False, use bincount for normalization. Returns: None """ if np.isscalar(bins): nbins = bins else: nbins = len(bins) if create_distribution: self._create_distribution(data, bins, normalize, density=density) self._is_categorical = True self.ndf = nbins - len(self.startparams) else: assert xs is not None, "Have to give xs if not histogramming!" if data_errs is not None: assert len(data_errs) == len(data), "Data and associated errrors must have the same size" else: data_errs = np.ones(len(data)) = data self.data_errs = data_errs self.xs = xs self.ndf = len(data) - len(self.startparams) self.bins = None if subtract is not None: -= subtract(self.xs)
[docs] def fit_to_data(self, silent=False,\ use_minuit=True,\ errors=None,\ limits=None,\ errordef=1,\ debug_minuit=False,\ **kwargs): """ Apply this model to data. This will perform the fit with the help of either minuit or scipy.optimize. Args: data (np.ndarray) : the data, unbinned silent (bool) : silence output use_minuit (bool) : use minuit for fitting errors (list) : errors for minuit, see miniuit manual limits (list of tuples): limits for minuit, see minuit manual errordef (float) : typically 1 for chi2 fit and 0.5 for llh fit : this class is currently set up as a leeast square fit, so this should not be changed debug_minuit (int) : if True, attache the iminuit instance to the model so that it can be inspected later on. Will raise error if use_minuit is set to False at the same time **kwargs: will be passed on to scipy.optimize.curvefit Returns: None """ if not use_minuit and debug_minuit: raise ValueError("You can not debug minuit when you are not using it!") startparams = self.startparams if not silent: print("Using start params...", startparams) fitkwargs = {"maxfev": 1000000, "xtol": 1e-10, "ftol": 1e-10} if "bounds" in kwargs: fitkwargs.pop("maxfev") # this is a matplotlib quirk fitkwargs["max_nfev"] = 1000000 fitkwargs.update(kwargs) if use_minuit: errorfunc, params = self.construct_error_function(self.startparams,\ errors,\ limits,\ errordef) # for debugging reasons we attach the minuit instance # to the model if desired m = iminuit.Minuit(errorfunc, **params) m.migrad() values = m.values if not silent: print (values, "result") parameters=[] for k in sorted(m.var2pos, key=m.var2pos.get): if not silent : print (k) parameters.append(m.values[k]) self.errors = m.errors self.covariance_matrix = m.covariance else: parameters, covariance_matrix = optimize.curve_fit(self, self.xs,\, p0=startparams,\ # bounds=(np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0] + [0]*len(start_params[5:])),\ # np.array([np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, np.inf] +\ # [np.inf]*len(start_params[5:]))),\ # max_nfev=100000) # method="lm",\ **fitkwargs) self.covariance_matrix = covariance_matrix self.errors = [] for i, row in enumerate(self.covariance_matrix): for j,entry in enumerate(row): if i == j: self.errors.append(np.sqrt(entry)) if not silent: print("Fit yielded parameters", parameters) if (not silent) and (not use_minuit): print("{:4.2f} NANs in covariance matrix".format(len(self.covariance_matrix[np.isnan(np.asarray(covariance_matrix))]))) # simple GOF #norm = 1 #if normalize: # norm = h.bincontent / h_norm.bincontent # norm = norm[np.isfinite(norm)][0] #self.norm = norm if self._is_categorical: chi2 = (funcs.calculate_chi_square(self.norm*, self.norm * self(self.xs, *parameters))) else: # calculate the chi2 chi2 = (funcs.calculate_reduced_chi_square(self.norm*, self.norm * self(self.xs, *parameters), self.data_errs)) self.chi2_ndf = chi2/self.ndf # FIXME: new feature #for cmp in self.components: # thischi2 = (calculate_chi_square(h.bincontent, norm * cmp(h.bincenters))) # self.chi2_ndf_components.append(thischi2/nbins) if not silent and use_minuit: print("Function value at minimum {:4.2e}".format(m.fval)) if not silent: print("Obtained chi2 : {:4.2f}; ndf : {:4.2f}; chi2/ndf {:4.2f}".format(chi2, self.ndf, self.chi2_ndf)) if not silent: print("##########################################") self.best_fit_params = parameters if debug_minuit: self._m_instance = m return parameters
[docs] def get_minuit_instance(self): """ If a previous fit has been done with the debug_minuit instance then it now can be accessed. """ if not hasattr(self, '_m_instance'): Logger.warn('Minuit instance not available. Execute `fit_to_data` with `debug_minuit` set to True') return None else: return self._m_instance
[docs] def clear(self): """ Reset the model. This bascially deletes all components and resets the startparameters. Returns: None """ self.__init__(self._callbacks[0], self.startparams[:self.n_params[0]])
[docs] def plot_result(self, ymin=1000, xmax=8,\ ylabel="normed bincount",\ xlabel="Q [C]", fig=None,\ log=True,\ figure_factory=None,\ axes_range="auto", model_alpha=.3,\ add_parameter_text=((r"$\mu_{{SPE}}$& {:4.2e}\\",0),), histostyle="scatter", datacolor="k", modelcolor=default_color): """ Show the fit result, together with the fitted data. Args: ymin (float): limit the yrange to ymin xmax (float): limit the xrange to xmax model_alpha (float): 0 <= x <= 1 the alpha value of the lineplot for the model ylabel (str): label for yaxis log (bool): plot in log scale figure_factory (fnc): Use to generate the figure axes_range (str): the "field of view" to show fig (pylab.figure): A figure instance add_parameter_text (tuple): Display a parameter in the table on the plot ((text, parameter_number), (text, parameter_number),...) datacolor (str): color for the data points modelcolor (str): color for the model prediction Returns: pylab.figure """ assert self.chi2_ndf is not None, "Needs to be fitted first before plotting!" def auto_adjust_limits(ax, data, xs): scalemax, scalemin = 1.1, 0.9 ymax, ymin = scalemax*max(data), scalemin*min(data) xmax, xmin = scalemax*max(xs[abs(data) > 0]), scalemin*min(xs[abs(data) >0]) ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) return ax if figure_factory is not None: fig = figure_factory() elif fig is None: fig = p.figure() ax = fig.gca() if self.distribution is not None: self.distribution.__getattribute__(histostyle)(color=datacolor) else: ax.plot(self.xs,, color=datacolor) infotext = r"\begin{tabular}{ll}" ax.plot(self.xs, self.prediction(self.xs), color=default_color, alpha=model_alpha) for comp in self.components: ax.plot(self.xs, comp(self.xs), linestyle=":", lw=1, color="k") infotext += r"$\chi^2/ndf$ & {:4.2f}\\".format(self.chi2_ndf) ax.set_ylim(ymin=ymin) ax.set_xlim(xmax=xmax) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if axes_range == "auto": ax = auto_adjust_limits(ax,, self.xs) if self.distribution is not None: infotext += r"entries& {}\\".format(self.distribution.stats.nentries) if add_parameter_text is not None: for partext in add_parameter_text: infotext += partext[0].format(self.best_fit_params[partext[1]]) #infotext += r"$\mu_{{SPE}}$& {:4.2e}\\".format(self.best_fit_params[mu_spe_is_par]) infotext += r"\end{tabular}" ax.text(0.9, 0.9, infotext, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes) if log: ax.set_yscale("symlog", linthreshy=1) #sb.despine() return fig