Source code for HErmes.icecube_goodies.weighting

An interface to icecube's weighting schmagoigl

    from icecube.weighting.weighting import from_simprod, EnergyWeight,ParticleType
except ImportError:
    print ("WARNING: module icecube not found!")

from ..utils import Logger
from ..selection.magic_keywords import  MC_P_EN,\
                            RUN_STOP, \

import numpy as np
import inspect
from . import conversions as conv
from functools import reduce

NUTYPES = [conv.PDGCode.NuE,conv.PDGCode.NuEBar]


# safely boilerplate our own weight class,
# like in weighting, not sure if tt 
# is entirely kosher there 

[docs]class Weight(object): """ Provides the weights for weighted MC simulation. Uses the pdf from simulation and the desired flux """ def __init__(self,generator,flux): self.gen = generator self.flux = flux def __call__(self,energy,ptype,\ zenith=None,mapping=False, weight=None): """ Args: energy: primary MC energy ptype: primary MC particle type zenith: cos (?) zenith Keyword Args: mapping: do a mapping to pdg weight: e.g. interactionprobabilityweights for nue Returns: numpy.ndarray: weights """ # FIXME: mapping argument should go away if mapping: pmap = {14:ParticleType.PPlus, 402:ParticleType.He4Nucleus, 1407:ParticleType.N14Nucleus, 2713:ParticleType.Al27Nucleus, 5626:ParticleType.Fe56Nucleus} ptype = [pmap[x] for x in ptype] # FIXME: This is too ugly and not general can_use_zenith = False if hasattr(self.flux,"__call__"): if hasattr(self.flux.__call__,"__func__"): args = inspect.getargs(self.flux.__call__.__func__.__code__) if len(args.args) == 4: # account for self can_use_zenith = True else: can_use_zenith = True # method wrapper created by NewNuflux else: args = inspect.getargs(self.flux.__code__) if len(args.args) == 3: can_use_zenith = True if (zenith is not None) and can_use_zenith: Logger.debug("Using zenith!") return self.flux(energy,ptype,zenith)/self.gen(energy,particle_type=ptype,cos_theta=zenith) else: Logger.debug("Not using zenith!") return self.flux(energy,ptype)/self.gen(energy,particle_type=ptype,cos_theta=zenith)
[docs]def GetGenerator(datasets): """ datasets must be a dict of dataset_id : number_of_files Args: datasets (dict): Query the database for these datasets. dict dataset_id -> number of files Returns (icecube.weighting...): Generation probability object """ generators = [] for k in list(datasets.keys()): nfiles = datasets[k] generator = from_simprod(k) # depending on the version of the # weighting module, either nfiles,generator # or just generator is returned if isinstance(generator,tuple): generator = generator[1] generators.append(nfiles*generator) generator = reduce(lambda x,y : x+y, generators) return generator
[docs]def constant_weights(size, scale=1.): """ Calculate a constant weight for all the entries, e.g. unity Args: size (int): The size of the returned arraz (d) Keyword Args: scale (float): The returned weight is 1/scale Returns: np.ndarray """ return (1/scale)*np.ones(size)
[docs]def GetModelWeight(model,datasets,\ mc_datasets=None,\ mc_p_en=None,\ mc_p_ty=None,\ mc_p_ze=None,\ mc_p_we=1.,\ mc_p_ts=1.,\ mc_p_gw=1.,\ **model_kwargs): """ Compute weights using a predefined model Args: model (func): Used to calculate the target flux datasets (dict): Get the generation pdf for these datasets from the db dict needs to be dataset_id -> nfiles Keyword Args: mc_p_en (array-like): primary energy mc_p_ty (array-like): primary particle type mc_p_ze (array-like): primary particle cos(zenith) mc_p_we (array-like): weight for mc primary, e.g. some interaction probability Returns (array-like): Weights """ if model_kwargs: flux = model(**model_kwargs) else: flux = model() # FIXME: There is a factor of 5000 not accounted # for -> 1e4 is for the conversion of factor = 1. gen = GetGenerator(datasets) if [k for k in map(int,list(gen.spectra.keys()))][0] in NUTYPES: Logger.debug('Patching weights') factor = 5000 weight = Weight(gen,flux) return factor*mc_p_we*weight(mc_p_en,mc_p_ty,zenith=mc_p_ze)
[docs]def get_weight_from_weightmap(model,datasets,\ mc_datasets=None,\ mc_p_en=None,\ mc_p_ty=None,\ mc_p_ze=None,\ mc_p_we=1.,\ mc_p_ts=1.,\ mc_p_gw=1.,\ **model_kwargs): """ Get weights for weighted datasets (generation spectra is already the target flux) Args: model (func): Not used, only for compatibility datasets (dict): used to provide nfiles Keyword Args: mc_p_en (array-like): primary energy mc_p_ty (array-like): primary particle type mc_p_ze (array-like): primary particle cos(zenith) mc_p_we (array-like): weight for mc primary, e.g. some interaction probability mc_p_gw (array-like): generation weight mc_p_ts (array-like): mc timescale mc_datasets (array-like): an array which has per-event dataset information Returns (array-like): Weights """ #timescale = np.zeros(len(mc_p_ts)) all_ts = 0 factors = np.ones(len(mc_p_ts)) ts = {ds : mc_p_ts[mc_datasets==ds][0] for ds in list(datasets.keys())} for ds in list(datasets.keys()): #ts = datasets[ds]*mc_p_ts[mc_datasets==ds][0] #timescale[mc_datasets==ds] += datasets[ds]*mc_p_ts[mc_datasets==ds] #mc_p_we[mc_datasets==ds]*=(datasets[ds]*mc_p_ts[mc_datasets==ds]) #all_ts += ts factors[mc_datasets == ds] /= (ts[ds]*datasets[ds]) all_ts = sum([ts[x]*datasets[x] for x in list(datasets.keys())]) #print all_ts #print factors[0] #print mc_p_we[0] #print mc_p_gw[0] weight = (factors*np.array(mc_p_gw)*np.array(mc_p_we))#/all_ts #weight = mc_p_gw*mc_p_we/factors if len(datasets) == 1: weight /= all_ts #print weight.sum() return weight