Source code for HErmes.selection.variables

Container classes for variables

import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
import tables
import abc
import enum
import array
import numbers
from ..utils import files as f
from ..utils import Logger
from copy import deepcopy as copy


    import uproot as ur
    import uproot_methods.classes.TVector3 as TVector3
    import uproot_methods.classes.TLorentzVector as TLorentzVector
    import uproot_methods.classes.TH1

except ImportError:
    Logger.warning("No uproot found, root support is limited!")

# define a non-member function so that it can be used in a
# multiprocessing approach
[docs]def extract_from_root(filename, definitions, nevents=None, dtype=np.float64, transform = None, reduce_dimension=None): """ Use the uproot system to get information from rootfiles. Supports a basic tree of primitive datatype like structure. Args: filename (str): datafile definitiions (list): tree and branch adresses Keyword Args: nevents (int): number of events to read out reduce_dimension (int): If data is vector-type, reduce it by taking the n-th element dtype (np.dtyoe): A numpy datatype, default double (np.float64) - use smaller dtypes to save memory transform (func): A function which directy transforms the readout data """ can_be_concatted = False rootfile = success = False i=0 branch = None # it will most likely work only with TTrees while not success: try: tree = rootfile.get(definitions[i][0]) branch = tree for address in definitions[i][1:]: Logger.debug("Searching for address {}".format(address)) branch = branch.get(address) #tree = file[definitions[i][0]] #branch = rootfile[definitions[i][0]].get(definitions[i][1]) success = True except KeyError as e: Logger.warning(f"Can not find address {definitions[i]}") i+=1 except IndexError: Logger.critical(f"None of the provided keys could be found {definitions}") break Logger.debug(f"Found valid definitions {definitions[i]}") ##FiXME make logger.critical end program! if nevents is not None: data = branch.array(entrystop=nevents) else: data = branch.array() # check for dimensionality multidim = False try: len(data[0]) multidim = True except TypeError: Logger.debug(f"Assuming scalar data {definitions[i]}") if multidim: Logger.debug("Inspecting data...") tmp_lengths = set([len(k) for k in data]) Logger.debug("Found {}".format(tmp_lengths)) firstlen = list(tmp_lengths)[0] if (len(tmp_lengths) == 1) and (firstlen == 1): multidim = False Logger.debug("Found data containing iterables of size 1... flattening!") del tmp_lengths if dtype != np.float64: tmpdata = array.array("f",[]) else: tmpdata = array.array("d",[]) if isinstance(data[0][0], numbers.Number): [tmpdata.append(dtype(k)) for k in data] #tmpdata = np.asarray([k[0] for k in data]) #multidim = True data = tmpdata del tmpdata else:"Is multidim data") multidim = True else: del tmp_lengths multidim = True Logger.debug("Assuming array data {}".format(definitions[i])) if reduce_dimension is not None: if not multidim: raise ValueError("Can not reduce scalar data!") if isinstance(reduce_dimension, int): data = np.array([k[reduce_dimension] for k in data], dtype=dtype) multidim = False else: data = [[k[reduce_dimension[1]] for k in j] for j in data] if multidim: Logger.debug("Grabbing multidimensional data from root-tree for {}".format(definitions[i])) del data if nevents is None: data = branch.array() #this will be a jagged array now! else: data = branch.array(entrystop=nevents) del branch if (len(data[0])): if isinstance(data[0][0], TVector3.TVector3):"Found TVector3 data, treating appropriatly") data = pd.Series([np.array([i.x,i.y,i.z], dtype=dtype) for i in data]) if isinstance(data[0][0], TLorentzVector.TLorentzVector):"Found TLorentzVector data, treating appropriatly") data = pd.Series([np.array([i.x,i.y,i.z,i.t], dtype=dtype) for i in data]) else: # probably number then data = pd.Series([np.asarray(i,dtype=dtype) for i in data]) # the below might not be picklable (multiprocessing!) #tmpdata = [i for i in data] # FIXME: dataframe/series # try to convert this to a pandas dataframe #data = pd.DataFrame(tmpdata) can_be_concatted = True data.multidim = True else: Logger.debug("Grabbing scalar data from root-tree for {}".format(definitions[i])) # convert in cases of TVector3/TLorentzVector if isinstance(data[0], TVector3.TVector3): Logger.debug("Found TVector3") data = pd.Series([np.array([i.x,i.y,i.z], dtype=dtype) for i in data]) elif isinstance(data[0], TLorentzVector.TLorentzVector): Logger.debug("Found TLorentzVector") data = pd.Series([np.array([i.x,i.y,i.z, i.t], dtype=dtype) for i in data]) else: try: #FIXME: why is that asarray needed? #data = pd.Series(np.asarray(data,dtype=dtype)) data = pd.Series(data,dtype=dtype) except TypeError: # data consist of some object data = pd.Series(data) Logger.debug("Got {} elements for {}".format(len(data), definitions[i])) can_be_concatted = True if transform is not None: data = transform(data) return data, can_be_concatted
################################################################ # define a non-member function so that it can be used in a # multiprocessing approach
[docs]def harvest(filenames, definitions, **kwargs): """ Read variables from files into memory. Will be used by HErmes.selection.variables.Variable.harvest This will be run multi-threaded. Keep that in mind, arguments have to be picklable, also everything thing which is read out must be picklable. Lambda functions are NOT picklable Args: filenames (list): the files to extract the variables from. currently supported: hdf definitions (list): where to find the data in the files. They usually have some tree-like structure, so this a list of leaf-value pairs. If there is more than one all of them will be tried. (As it might be that in some files a different naming scheme was used) Example: [("hello_reoncstruction", "x"), ("hello_reoncstruction", "y")] ] Keyword Args: transformation (func): After the data is read out from the files, transformation will be applied, e.g. the log to the energy. fill_empty (bool): Fill empty fields with zeros nevents (int): ROOT only - read out only nevents from the files reduce_dimension (str): ROOT only - multidimensional data can be reduced by only using the index given by reduce_dimension. E.g. in case of a TVector3, and we want to have onlz x, that would be 0, y -> 1 and z -> 2. dtype (np.dtype) : datatype to cast to (default np.float64, but can be used to reduce memory footprint. Returns: pd.Series or pd.DataFrame """ nevents = kwargs["nevents"] if "nevents" in kwargs else None fill_empty = kwargs["fill_empty"] if "fill_empty" in kwargs else False reduce_dimension = kwargs["reduce_dimension"] if "reduce_dimension" in kwargs else None transform = kwargs["transformation"] if "transformation" in kwargs else None dtype = kwargs["dtype"] if "dtype" in kwargs else np.float64 concattable = True data = pd.Series(dtype=dtype) #multidim_data = pd.DataFrame() for filename in filenames: filetype = f.strip_all_endings(filename)[1] assert filetype in REGISTERED_FILEEXTENSIONS, "Filetype {} not known!".format(filetype) assert os.path.exists(filename), "File {} does not exist!".format(filetype) if (filetype == ".h5") and (transform is not None): Logger.critical("Can not apply direct transformation for h5 files (yet). This is only important for root files and varaibles which are used as VariableRole.PARAMETER") Logger.debug("Attempting to harvest {1} file {0}".format(filename,filetype)) if filetype == ".h5" and not isinstance(filename, tables.table.Table): # store = pd.HDFStore(filename) hdftable = tables.open_file(filename) else: hdftable = filename tmpdata = pd.Series(dtype=dtype) for definition in definitions: definition = list(definition) if filetype == ".h5": if not definition[0].startswith("/"): definition[0] = "/" + definition[0] try: # data = store.select_column(*definition) if not definition[1]: tmpdata = hdftable.get_node(definition[0]) else: tmpdata = hdftable.get_node(definition[0]).col(definition[1]) if tmpdata.ndim == 2: if data.empty: data = pd.DataFrame() tmpdata = pd.DataFrame(tmpdata, dtype=dtype) else: tmpdata = pd.Series(tmpdata, dtype=dtype) Logger.debug("Found {} entries in table for {}{}".format(len(tmpdata),definition[0],definition[1])) break except tables.NoSuchNodeError: Logger.debug("Can not find definition {0} in {1}! ".format(definition, filename)) continue elif filetype == ".root": tmpdata, concattable = extract_from_root(filename, definitions, nevents=nevents, dtype=dtype, transform=transform, reduce_dimension=reduce_dimension) if filetype == ".h5": hdftable.close() #tmpdata = harvest_single_file(filename, filetype,definitions) # = # concat should be much faster if not True in [isinstance(tmpdata, k) for k in [pd.Series, pd.DataFrame] ]: concattable = False if not concattable: Logger.warning(f"Data {definitions} can not be concatted, keep that in mind!") try: tmpdata = pd.Series(tmpdata) #return tmpdata except: tmpdata = [k for k in tmpdata] tmpdata = pd.Series(tmpdata) #return tmpdata data = pd.concat([data, tmpdata]) del tmpdata return data
[docs]def freedman_diaconis_bins(data,leftedge,\ rightedge,minbins=20,\ maxbins=70,fallbackbins=DEFAULT_BINS): """ Get a number of bins for a histogram following Freedman/Diaconis Args: leftedge (float): left bin edge rightedge (float): right bin edge minbins (int): the minimum number of bins maxbins (int): the maximum number of bins fallbackbins (int): a number of bins which is returned if calculation failse Returns: nbins (int): number of bins, minbins < bins < maxbins """ try: finite_data = np.isfinite(data) q3 = np.percentile(data[finite_data],75) q1 = np.percentile(data[finite_data],25) n_data = len(data) if q3 == q1: Logger.warning("Can not calculate bins, falling back... to min max approach") q3 = max(finite_data) q1 = min(finite_data) h = (2*(q3-q1))/(n_data**1./3) bins = (rightedge - leftedge)/h if not np.isfinite(bins):"Got some nan somewhere: q1 : {q1}, q3 : {q3}, n_data : {n_data}, h : {h}") Logger.warning("Calculate Freedman-Draconis bins failed, calculated nan bins, returning fallback") bins = fallbackbins if bins < minbins: bins = minbins if bins > maxbins: bins = maxbins except Exception as e: Logger.warning(f"Calculate Freedman-Draconis bins failed {e}") bins = fallbackbins return bins
[docs]class VariableRole(enum.Enum): """ Define roles for variables. Some variables used in a special context (like weights) are easily recognizable by this flag. """ UNKNOWN = 0 SCALAR = 10 ARRAY = 20 GENERATORWEIGHT = 30 RUNID = 40 EVENTID = 50 STARTIME = 60 ENDTIME = 70 FLUXWEIGHT = 80 PARAMETER = 90 # a single parameter, no array whatsoever
[docs]class AbstractBaseVariable(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Read out tagged numerical data from files """ _harvested = False _bins = None ROLES = VariableRole def __hash__(self): return hash( def __repr__(self): return """<Variable: {}>""".format( def __eq__(self,other): return == def __lt__(self, other): return sorted([,])[0] == def __gt__(self, other): return sorted([,])[1] == def __le__(self, other): return self < other or self == other def __ge__(self, other): return self > other or self == other
[docs] def declare_harvested(self): self._harvested = True
@property def harvested(self): return self._harvested @property def bins(self): if self._bins is None: return self.calculate_fd_bins() else: return self._bins @bins.setter def bins(self, value): self._bins = value
[docs] def calculate_fd_bins(self, cutmask=None): """ Calculate a reasonable binning Keyword Args: cutmask (numpy.ndarray) : a boolean mask to cut on, in case cuts have been applied to the category this data is part of Returns: numpy.ndarray: Freedman Diaconis bins """ tmpdata = if cutmask is not None: if len(cutmask) > 0: tmpdata = tmpdata[cutmask] nbins = freedman_diaconis_bins(tmpdata, min(tmpdata), max(tmpdata)) bins = np.linspace(min(tmpdata),max(tmpdata), nbins) return bins
[docs] def harvest(self, *files): """ Hook to the harvest method. Don't use in case of multiprocessing! Args: *files: walk through these files and readout """ if self.role == VariableRole.PARAMETER: self._data = harvest(files, self.definitions, transformation= self.transform) self._data = self._data[0] else: self._data = harvest(files, self.definitions) self.declare_harvested()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def rewire_variables(self, vardict): return
@property def ndim(self): if hasattr(self._data, "multidim"): if self._data.multidim == True: return 2 return self._data.ndim @property def data(self): if isinstance(self._data, pd.DataFrame): #return self._data.as_matrix() #FIXME: as_matrix is depracted in favor of values return self._data.values if not hasattr(self._data, "shape"): Logger.warning("Something's wrong, this should be array data!") Logger.warning(f"Seeeing {type(self._data)} data") Logger.warning("Attempting to fix!") self._data = np.asarray(self._data) return self._data
[docs]class Variable(AbstractBaseVariable): """ A hook to a single variable read out from a file """ def __init__(self, name, definitions=None,\ bins=None, label="", transform=None, role=VariableRole.SCALAR, nevents=None, reduce_dimension=None): """ Args: name (str) : An unique identifier Keyword Args: definitions (list) : table and/or column names in underlying data bins (numpy.ndarray) : used for histograms label (str) : used for plotting and as a label in tables transform (func) : apply to each member of the underlying data at readout role (HErmes.selection.variables.VariableRole) : The role the variable is playing. In most cases the default is the best choice nevents (int) : number of events to read in (ROOT only right now!) reduce_dimension (int) : in case of multidimensionality, take only the the given index of the array (ROOT only right now) """ AbstractBaseVariable.__init__(self) if definitions is not None: #assert not (False in [len(x) <= 2 for x in definitions]), "Can not understand variable definitions {}!".format(definitions) self.defsize = len(definitions[0]) #FIXME : not sure how important this is right now #assert not (False in [len(x) == self.defsize for x in definitions]), "All definitions must have the same length!" else: self.defsize = 0 = name self.role = role self.bins = bins # when histogrammed self.label = label self.transform = transform self.definitions = definitions self._data = pd.Series(dtype=np.float64) self.nevents = nevents self.reduce_dimension = reduce_dimension self._role = role #if self.defsize == 1: # = pd.DataFrame() #if self.defsize == 2: # = pd.Series()
[docs] def rewire_variables(self, vardict): """ Make sure all the variables are connected properly. This is only needed for combined/compound variables Returns: None """ pass
[docs]class CompoundVariable(AbstractBaseVariable): """ Calculate a variable from other variables. This kind of variable will not read any file. """ def __init__(self, name, variables=None, label="",\ bins=None, operation=lambda x,y : x + y, role=VariableRole.SCALAR, dtype=np.float64): """ A compound variable is a variable which is created from two or more other variables. This variable does not have a direct representation in a file, but gets calculated on the fly instead, e.g. a residual of two other variables The 'operation' denoted function here defines what operator should be applied to the variables to create the new coumpound variable Args: name (str) : An unique identifier for the new variable. Keyword Args: variables (list) : A list of variables used to calculate the new variable. label (str) : A label for plotting. bins (np.ndarray) : binning for distributions. operation (fnc) : The operation which will be applied to variables. role (HErmes.selection.variables.VariableRole) : The role the variable is playing. In most cases the default is the best choice. Assigning roles to variables allows for special magic, e.g. in the case of weighting """ AbstractBaseVariable.__init__(self) = name self.role = role self.label = label self.bins = bins if variables is None: variables = [] self.variables = variables self.operation = operation self._data = pd.Series(dtype=np.float64) #dtype to suppress warning self.definitions = ((self.__repr__()),)
[docs] def rewire_variables(self, vardict): """ Use to avoid the necessity to read out variables twice as the variables are copied over by the categories, the refernce is lost. Can be rewired though """ newvars = [] for var in self.variables: newvars.append(vardict[]) self.variables = newvars
def __repr__(self): return """<CompoundVariable {} created from: {}>""".format(,"".join([ for x in self.variables ]))
[docs] def harvest(self, *filenames): #FIXME: filenames is not used, just #there for compatibility if self.harvested: return harvested = [var for var in self.variables if var.harvested] if not len(harvested) == len(self.variables): Logger.error("Variables have to be harvested for compound variable {0} first!".format(self.variables)) Logger.error("Only {} is harvested".format(harvested)) return self._data = self.operation(*[ for var in self.variables]) self.declare_harvested()
[docs]class VariableList(AbstractBaseVariable): """ A list of variable. Can not be read out from files. """ def __init__(self, name, variables=None, label="", bins=None, role=VariableRole.SCALAR): """ Args: name (str): An unique identifier for the new category. Keyword Args: variables (list): A list of variables used to calculate the new variable. label (str): A label for plotting. bins (np.ndarray): binning for distributions. role (HErmes.selection.variables.VariableRole): The role the variable is playing. In most cases the default is the best choice """ AbstractBaseVariable.__init__(self) = name self.label = label self.bins = bins if variables is None: variables = [] self.variables = variables
[docs] def harvest(self, *filenames): #FIXME: filenames is not used, just #there for compatibility # do not calculate weights yet! if self.harvested: return harvested = [var for var in self.variables if var.harvested] if not len(harvested) == len(self.variables): Logger.error("Variables have to be harvested for compound variable {} first!".format( return self.declare_harvested()
[docs] def rewire_variables(self, vardict): """ Use to avoid the necessity to read out variables twice as the variables are copied over by the categories, the refernce is lost. Can be rewired though """ newvars = [] for var in self.variables: newvars.append(vardict[]) self.variables = newvars
@property def data(self): return [ for x in self.variables]