Source code for HErmes.utils.files

Locate files on the filesystem and
group them together

from functools import reduce

from configparser import ConfigParser
from . import logger
from glob import glob

import re
import os.path
import subprocess as sub
import os

PATTERNFILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'PATTERNS.cfg')
config = ConfigParser()

Logger = logger.Logger

def _regex_compiler(cfgsection,cfgname,transform = lambda x : x
    Reads out regex from a configfile and compiles them

        cfgsection     (str) : name of the section in the configfile
        cfgname        (str) : name of the variable in the section

    Keyword Args:
        transform      (fnc) :        apply a transformation to the read-out value

        function: containes the compiled regex
    def safe_return(filename):
        res = []
        cmp = re.compile(config.get(cfgsection,cfgname))
            grps =
        except (AttributeError,ValueError, TypeError):
            return None
        for i in grps:
        if len(res) == 1:
            return res[0]
        return res
    return safe_return

# getting the stuff!
ENDING     = lambda filename : _regex_compiler("files","ENDING")(filename)
DS_ID      = lambda filename : _regex_compiler("datasets","DS_ID",transform=int)(filename)
EXP_RUN_ID = lambda filename : _regex_compiler("dataruns","EXP_RUN_ID",transform=int)(filename)
SIM_RUN_ID = lambda filename : _regex_compiler("simruns","SIM_RUN_ID",transform=int)(filename)
GCD = lambda filename : _regex_compiler("metainfo","GCD",transform = lambda x: x == "GCD")(filename)


[docs]def strip_all_endings(filename): """ Split a filename at the first dot and declare everything which comes after it and consists of 3 or 4 characters (including the dot) as "ending" Args: filename (str): a filename which shall be split Returns: list : file basename + ending """ ending = ENDING(filename) while ENDING(ending[0]) is not None: ending = ENDING(ending[0]) + ending[1:] return [ending[0],"".join(ending[1:])]
[docs]def harvest_files(path, ending=".bz2", sanitizer=lambda x : True,\ use_ls=False, prefix="dcap://"): """ Get all the files with a specific ending from a certain path Args: path (str): a path on the filesystem to look for files Keyword Args: ending (str): glob for files with this ending sanitizer (func): clean the file list with a filter use_ls (bool): use unix ls to compile the filelist prefix (str): apply this prefix to the file names Returns: list: All files in path which match ending and are filtered by sanitizer """ if (not os.path.exists(path)) or (not os.path.isdir(path)): raise SystemError('Path does not exist or it might not be a directory! {}'.format(path)) path = os.path.abspath(path) if use_ls: files = [] ls = sub.Popen(["ls","-a",path],stdout=sub.PIPE,stdin=sub.PIPE).communicate()[0].split() # remove by-products ls = [x.decode() if isinstance(x,bytes) else x for x in ls] ls = [x for x in ls if (x != ".") and (x != "..")] if isinstance(path, bytes): path = str(path) for subpath in ls: subpath = str(subpath) # path and subpath both have to be of same type if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, subpath)): sub_ls = sub.Popen(["ls","-a",os.path.join(path,subpath)],stdout=sub.PIPE,stdin=sub.PIPE).communicate()[0].split() sub_ls = [x for x in sub_ls if (x != ".") and (x != "..")] files += [os.path.join(path,os.path.join(subpath,subsubpath)) for subsubpath in sub_ls] elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path,subpath)): files += [os.path.join(path,subpath)] if "*" in ending: ending = ending.replace("*","") files = [x for x in files if str(x).endswith(ending)] else: if not ending.startswith("*"): ending = "*" + ending tmpindirs = [item[0] for item in os.walk(path,followlinks=True)] files = reduce(lambda x,y : x+y,[k for k in map(glob,[os.path.join(direc,ending) for direc in tmpindirs])]) files = [k for k in filter(sanitizer, files)] files = [prefix + x for x in files] files = sorted(files) # ensure that each call returns exact same list if "h5" in ending: files, __ = check_hdf_integrity(files) return files
[docs]def group_names_by_regex(names,regex=EXP_RUN_ID,firstpattern=GCD,estimate_first=lambda x : x[0]): """ Generate lists with files which all have the same name patterns, group by regex Args: names (list): a list of file names Keyword Args: regex (func): a regex to group by firstpattern (func): the leading element of each list estimate_first (func): if there are servaral elements which match firstpattern, estimate which is the first Returns: list: names grouped by reges with first pattern as leading element """ identifiers = [k for k in map(regex,names)] unique_identifiers = set(identifiers) meta_names = [k for k in zip(identifiers,names)] def sorter(pair): if pair[0] is None: return 0 return pair[0] meta_names = sorted(meta_names, key=sorter) groupdict = dict() for i in unique_identifiers: groupdict[i] = [j[1] for j in meta_names if j[0] == i] if firstpattern is not None: #print groupdict for k in list(groupdict.keys()): #print firstpattern #print k #print firstpattern(groupdict[k]) first = [k for k in filter(firstpattern,groupdict[k])] if len(first) > 1:"First entry is not unique! {}".format(first.__repr__())) for j in first: groupdict[k].remove(j) first = estimate_first(first)"Picked {} by given estimate_first fct!".format(first[0])) elif len(first) == 0: continue else: first = first[0] groupdict[k].remove(first) groupdict[k] = [first] + groupdict[k] return groupdict
[docs]def check_hdf_integrity(infiles,checkfor = None ): """ Checks if hdfiles can be openend and returns a tuple integer_files,corrupt_files Arguments: infiles (list) Keyword arguments: checkfor (str) """ import tables integer_files = [] corrupt_files = [] allfiles = len(infiles) for file_to_check in infiles: test = sub.Popen(['h5ls','-g',file_to_check],stdout=sub.PIPE,stderr=sub.PIPE) __, error = test.communicate() if error: Logger.warning(error) corrupt_files.append(file_to_check) elif checkfor is not None: f = tables.open_file(file_to_check) if not checkfor.startswith("/"): checkfor = "/" + checkfor try: f.get_node(checkfor) except tables.NoSuchNodeError:"File %s has no Node %s" %(file_to_check,checkfor)) corrupt_files.append(file_to_check) continue finally: f.close() integer_files.append(file_to_check) else: integer_files.append(file_to_check) Logger.debug("These files are corrupt! {}".format(corrupt_files.__repr__()))"{} of {} files corrupt!".format(len(corrupt_files),allfiles)) return integer_files,corrupt_files