Source code for HErmes.visual.plotting

Define some
from __future__ import print_function

from builtins import range
from builtins import object

from copy import deepcopy as copy

import numpy as n
import numpy as np
import dashi as d
import pylab as p

import matplotlib.ticker

from hepbasestack.colors import get_color_palette
#from .colors import get_color_palette
from .canvases import YStackedCanvas
from ..utils import Logger
from ..utils import flatten
from .. import fitting as fit



[docs]def create_arrow(ax, x_0, y_0, dx, dy, length,\ width = .1, shape="right",\ fc="k", ec="k",\ alpha=1., log=False): """ Create an arrow object for plots. This is typically a large arrow, which can used to indicate a region in the plot which is excluded by a cut. Args: ax (matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot): The axes where the arrow will be attached to x_0 (float): x-origin of the arrow y_0 (float): y-origin of the arrow dx (float): x length of the arrow dy (float): y length of the arrow length (float): additional scaling parameter to scale the length of the arrow Keyword Args: width (float): thickness of arrow shape (str): either "full", "left" or "right" fc (str): facecolor ec (str): edgecolor alpha (float): 0 -1 alpha value of the arrow log (bool): I for logscale, the proportions of the arrow will be adjusted accorginly. Returns: matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot """ head_starts_at_zero = False head_width = width*5 head_length = length*0.1 if log: # slightly bigger arrow head_width = width*6 head_length = length*0.2 arrow_params={'length_includes_head':False,\ 'shape':shape,\ 'head_starts_at_zero':head_starts_at_zero} arr = ax.arrow(x_0, y_0, dx*length,\ dy*length, fc=fc, ec=ec,\ alpha=alpha, width=width,\ head_width=head_width,\ head_length=head_length,\ **arrow_params) return ax
[docs]def meshgrid(xs, ys): """ Create x and y data for matplotlib pcolormesh and similar plotting functions. Args: xs (np.ndarray): 1d x bins ys (np.ndarray): 2d y bins Returns: tuple (np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray): 2d X and 2d Y matrices as well as a placeholder for the Z array """ xlen = len(xs) ylen = len(ys) allx, ally = [], [] # prepare xs for __ in range(ylen): allx.append(xs) allx = np.array(allx) allx = allx.T # prepare ys for __ in range(xlen): ally.append(ys) ally = np.array(ally) zs = np.zeros([xlen, ylen]) return allx, ally, zs
[docs]def line_plot(quantities, bins=None, xlabel='', add_ratio=None, ratiolabel='', colors=None, figure_factory=None): """ Args: quantities: Keyword Args: bins: xlabel: add_ratio (tuple): (["data1"],["data2"]) ratiolabel (str): colors: figure_factory (callable): Factory function returning matplotolib.Figure Returns: """ # FIXME XXX under development raise NotImplementedError if add_ratio is not None: canvas = YStackedCanvas(subplot_yheights=(0.2, 0.7), space_between_plots=0.0) ax0 = canvas.select_axes(-1) data = np.array(quantities[add_ratio[0]]) / np.array(quantities[add_ratio[1]]) data = data * 100 thebins = np.array(bins[add_ratio[0]]) bin_size = abs(thebins[1] - thebins[0]) / 2 * np.ones(len(thebins)) thebins = thebins + bin_size ax0.plot(thebins, data, color='gray') ax0.scatter(thebins, data, marker='o', s=50, color='gray') ax0.grid(1) ax0.set_ylabel(ratiolabel) ax0.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax0.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) ax0.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax = canvas.select_axes(0) lgax = ax0 else: if figure_factory is None: fig = p.figure() else: fig = figure_factory() ax = fig.gca() lgax = ax for reconame in quantities: thebins = np.array(bins[reconame]) bin_size = abs(thebins[1] - thebins[0]) / 2 * np.ones(len(thebins)) thebins = thebins + bin_size label = reconame.replace('-', '') if colors is not None: ax.plot(thebins, quantities[reconame], label=label, color=colors[reconame]) ax.scatter(thebins, quantities[reconame], marker='o', s=50, c=colors[reconame]) else: ax.plot(thebins, quantities[reconame], label=label) ax.scatter(thebins, quantities[reconame], marker='o', s=50) legend_kwargs = {'bbox_to_anchor': [0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.102],'loc': 3, 'frameon': False, 'ncol': 2, 'borderaxespad': 0, 'mode': 'expand', 'handlelength': 2, 'numpoints': 1 } if len(quantities.keys()) == 3: legend_kwargs['ncol'] = 3 ax.grid(1) ax.set_ylabel('$\\cos(\\Psi)$') ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) sb.despine() if add_ratio: ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax0.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) ax0.spines['left'].set_visible(False) legend_kwargs['bbox_to_anchor'] = [0, 1.3, 1.0, 0.102] ax.legend(**legend_kwargs) p.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.2) return canvas.figure ax.legend(**legend_kwargs) return fig
[docs]def gaussian_model_fit(data, startparams=(0,0.2), fitrange=((None,None), (None,None)), fig=None, norm=True, bins=80, xlabel='$\\theta_{{rec}} - \\theta_{{true}}$'): """ A plot with a gaussian fitted to data. A histogram of the data will be created and a gaussian will be fitted, with 68 and 95 percentiles indicated in the plot. Args: data (array-like) : input data with a (preferably) gaussian distribution Keyword Args: startparams (tuple) : a set of startparams of the gaussian fit. If only mu/sigma are given, then the plot will be normalized fig (matplotlib.Figure) : pre-created figure to draw the plot in bins (array-like or int) : bins for the underliying histogram fitrange (tuple(min, max): min-max range for the gaussian fit xlabel (str) : label for the x-axes """ if len(startparams) == 3: tofit = lambda x,mean,sigma,amp : amp*fit.gauss(x,mean,sigma) else: tofit = fit.gauss mod = fit.Model(tofit, startparams=startparams) mod.add_data(data, create_distribution=True, bins=bins, normalize=norm) limits = [] notempty = False for k in fitrange: thislimit = [] for j in k: if j is None: continue else: notempty = True thislimit.append(j) limits.append(tuple(thislimit)) limits = tuple(limits) print (limits) if notempty: mod.fit_to_data(limits=limits) else: mod.fit_to_data() thecolors = get_color_palette() fig = mod.plot_result(log=False, xlabel=xlabel, add_parameter_text=( ('$\\mu$& {:4.2e}\\\\', 0), ('$\\sigma$& {:4.2e}\\\\', 1)), datacolor=thecolors[3], modelcolor=thecolors[3], histostyle='line', model_alpha=0.7, fig=fig) ax = fig.gca() ax.grid(1) ax.set_ylim(ymax=1.1 * max( upper68 = mod.distribution.stats.mean + mod.distribution.stats.std lower68 = mod.distribution.stats.mean - mod.distribution.stats.std lower95 = mod.distribution.stats.mean - 2 * mod.distribution.stats.std upper95 = mod.distribution.stats.mean + 2 * mod.distribution.stats.std ax.axvspan(lower68, upper68, facecolor=thecolors[8], alpha=0.7, ec='none') ax.axvspan(lower95, upper95, facecolor=thecolors[8], alpha=0.3, ec='none') ax.text(lower68 * 0.9, max( * 0.98, '68\\%', color=thecolors[3], fontsize=20) ax.text(lower95 * 0.9, max( * 0.85, '95\\%', color=thecolors[3], fontsize=20) return (mod, fig)
[docs]def gaussian_fwhm_fit(data, startparams=(0,0.2,1),\ fitrange=((None,None), (None,None), (None, None)),\ fig=None,\ bins=80,\ xlabel='$\\theta_{{rec}} - \\theta_{{true}}$'): """ A plot with a gaussian fitted to data. A histogram of the data will be created and a gaussian will be fitted, with 68 and 95 percentiles indicated in the plot. The gaussian will be in a form so that the fwhm can be read directly from it. The "width" parameter of the gaussian is NOT the standard deviation, but FWHM! Args: data (array-like) : input data with a (preferably) gaussian distribution Keyword Args: startparams (tuple) : a set of startparams of the gaussian fit. It is a 3 parameter fit with mu, fwhm and amplitude fitrange (tuple) : if desired, the fit can be restrained. One tuple of (min, max) per parameter fig (matplotlib.Figure) : pre-created figure to draw the plot in bins (array-like or int) : bins for the underliying histogram xlabel (str) : label for the x-axes """ mod = fit.Model(fit.fwhm_gauss, startparams=startparams) mod.add_data(data, create_distribution=True, bins=bins, normalize=False) limits = [] notempty = False for k in fitrange: thislimit = [] for j in k: if j is None: continue else: notempty = True thislimit.append(j) limits.append(tuple(thislimit)) limits = tuple(limits) print (limits) if notempty: mod.fit_to_data(limits=limits) else: mod.fit_to_data() thecolors = get_color_palette() fig = mod.plot_result(log=False, xlabel=xlabel, add_parameter_text=( ('$\\mu$& {:4.2e}\\\\', 0), ('FWHM& {:4.2e}\\\\', 1), ('AMP& {:4.2e}\\\\',2)), datacolor=thecolors[3], modelcolor=thecolors[3], histostyle='line', model_alpha=0.7, fig=fig) ax = fig.gca() ax.grid(1) ax.set_ylim(ymax=1.1 * max( upper68 = mod.distribution.stats.mean + mod.distribution.stats.std lower68 = mod.distribution.stats.mean - mod.distribution.stats.std lower95 = mod.distribution.stats.mean - 2 * mod.distribution.stats.std upper95 = mod.distribution.stats.mean + 2 * mod.distribution.stats.std ax.axvspan(lower68, upper68, facecolor=thecolors[8], alpha=0.7, ec='none') ax.axvspan(lower95, upper95, facecolor=thecolors[8], alpha=0.3, ec='none') ax.text(lower68 * 0.9, max( * 0.98, '68\\%', color=thecolors[3], fontsize=20) ax.text(lower95 * 0.9, max( * 0.85, '95\\%', color=thecolors[3], fontsize=20) return (mod, fig)
[docs]class VariableDistributionPlot(object): """ A plot which shows the distribution of a certain variable. Cuts can be indicated with lines and arrows. This class defines (and somehow enforces) a certain style. """ def __init__(self, cuts=None,\ color_palette="dark",\ bins=None,\ xlabel=None): """ Keyword Args: bins (array-like): desired binning, if None use default cuts (HErmes.selection.cut.Cut): color_palette (str): use this palette for the plotting xlabel (str): descriptive string for x-label """ self.histograms = {} self.histratios = {} self.cumuls = {} self.plotratio = False self.plotcumul = False self.canvas = None if (xlabel is None): self.label = '' else: self.label = xlabel = '' self.bins = bins if cuts is None: cuts = [] self.cuts = cuts if isinstance(color_palette, str): self.color_palette = get_color_palette(color_palette) else: self.color_palette = color_palette self.plot_options = dict()
[docs] def add_cuts(self, cut): """ Add a cut to the the plot which can be indicated by an arrow Args: cuts (HErmes.selection.cuts.Cut): Returns: None """ self.cuts.append(cut)
[docs] def add_data(self, variable_data,\ name, bins=None,\ weights=None, label=''): """ Histogram the added data and store internally Args: name (string): the name of a category variable_data (array): the actual data Keyword Args: bins (array): histogram binning weights (array): weights for the histogram label (str): A label for the data when plotted """ if bins is None: bins = self.bins if weights is None: self.histograms[name] = d.factory.hist1d(variable_data, bins) else: Logger.debug(f"Found {len(weights)} weights and {len(variable_data)} data points") assert len(weights) == len(variable_data),\ f"Mismatch between len(weights) {len(weights)} and len(variable_data) {len(variable_data)}" self.histograms[name] = d.factory.hist1d(variable_data, bins, weights=weights) self.label = label = name
[docs] def add_variable(self, category, variable_name, external_weights=None, transform=None): """ Convenience interface if data is sorted in categories already Args: category (HErmese.variables.category.Category): Get variable from this category variable_name (string): The name of the variable Keyword Args: external_weights (np.ndarray): Supply an array for weighting. This will OVERIDE ANY INTERNAL WEIGHTING MECHANISM and use the supplied weights. transform (callable): Apply transformation todata """ if category.plot_options: self.plot_options[] = copy(category.plot_options) if self.bins is None: self.bins = category.vardict[variable_name].bins = variable_name if external_weights is None: Logger.warning("Internal weighting mechanism is broken at the moment, FIXME!") #weights = category.weights #if len(weights) == 0: # weights = None weights = None else: weights = external_weights if transform is None: transform = lambda x : x data = category.get(variable_name) #print (variable_name) #print (data) #print (data[0]) # FIXME: check this # check pandas series and # numpy array difference # FIMXME: values was as_matrix before - adapt changes in requirements.txt try: data = data.values except: pass # hack for applying the weights if hasattr(data[0],"__iter__"): if weights is not None: Logger.warning("Multi array data for {} detected. Trying to apply weights".format(variable_name)) tmpweights = np.array([weights[i]*np.ones(len(data[i])) for i in range(len(data))]) Logger.warning("Weights broken, assuming flatten as transformation") weights = flatten(tmpweights) self.add_data(transform(data),\,\ self.bins, weights=weights,\ label=category.vardict[variable_name].label)
[docs] def add_cumul(self, name): """ Add a cumulative distribution to the plot Args: name (str): the name of the category """ assert name in self.histograms, "Need to add data first" self.cumuls[name] = self.histograms[name].normalized()
[docs] def indicate_cut(self, ax, arrow=True): """ If cuts are given, indicate them by lines Args: ax (pylab.axes): axes to draw on """ vmin, vmax = ax.get_ylim() hmin, hmax = ax.get_xlim() for cut in self.cuts: for name, (operator, value) in cut: # there might be more than one # cut which should be # drawn on this plot # so go through ALL of them. if name != continue Logger.debug('Found cut! {0} on {1}'.format(name,value)) width = vmax/50. # create a line a cut position ax.vlines(value, ymin=vmin, ymax=vmax, linestyle=':') length = (hmax - hmin)*0.1 # mark part of the plot as "forbidden" # and create arrow if desired if operator in ('>','>='): shape = 'right' ax.axvspan(value, hmax,\ facecolor=self.color_palette["prohibited"],\ alpha=0.5) else: shape = 'left' ax.axvspan(hmin, value,\ facecolor=self.color_palette["prohibited"],\ alpha=0.5) if arrow: ax = create_arrow(ax, value, vmax*0.1,\ -1., 0, length, width=width,\ shape=shape, log=True)
[docs] def add_ratio(self, nominator, denominator,\ total_ratio=None, total_ratio_errors=None, \ log=False, label="data/$\Sigma$ bg"): """ Add a ratio plot to the canvas Args: nominator (list or str): name(s) of the categorie(s) which will be the nominator in the ratio denominator (list or str): name(s) of the categorie(s) which will be the nominator in the ratio Keyword Args: total_ratio (bool): Indicate the total ratio with a line in the plot total_ratio_errors (bool): Draw error region around total ratio log (bool): draw ratio plot in log-scale label (str): y-label for the ratio plot """ if not isinstance(nominator, list): nominator = [nominator] if not isinstance(denominator, list): denominator = [denominator] name = "".join(nominator) + "_" + "".join(denominator) first_nominator = nominator.pop() nominator_hist = self.histograms[first_nominator] nominator_ws = self.histograms[first_nominator].stats.weightsum for name in nominator: nominator_hist += self.histograms[name] nominator_ws += self.histograms[name].stats.weightsum first_denominator = denominator.pop() denominator_hist = self.histograms[first_denominator] denominator_ws = self.histograms[first_denominator].stats.weightsum for name in denominator: denominator_hist += self.histograms[name] denominator_ws += self.histograms[name].stats.weightsum nominator_hist.normalized() denominator_hist.normalized() ratio = d.histfuncs.histratio(nominator_hist, denominator_hist,\ log=False, ylabel=label) if total_ratio is None: total_ratio = nominator_ws/denominator_ws"Calculated scalar ratio of {:4.2f} from histos".format(total_ratio)) #ratio.y[ratio.y > 0] = ratio.y[ratio.y > 0] + total_ratio -1 self.histratios[name] = (ratio, total_ratio, total_ratio_errors,\ label) return name
def _draw_distribution(self, ax, name, log=True,\ cumulative=False, normalized=False, ylabel="rate/bin [1/s]"): """ Paint the histograms! Args: Keyword Args: normalized (bool): draw by number of events normalized distribution """ try: cfg = copy(self.plot_options[name]) except KeyError: Logger.warning("No plot configuration available for {}".format(name)) cfg = {"histotype": "line", "label": name, "linestyle" : {"color": "k", "linewidth": 3 } } log = False if "linestyle" in cfg: color = cfg["linestyle"].pop('color') if isinstance(color, int): color = self.color_palette[color] if 'scatterstyle' in cfg: scattercolor = cfg["scatterstyle"].pop('color') if isinstance(scattercolor,int): scattercolor = self.color_palette[scattercolor] if cumulative: histograms = self.cumuls log = False else: histograms = self.histograms if normalized and not cumulative: histograms[name] = histograms[name].normalized() if cfg['histotype'] == 'scatter': histograms[name].scatter(log=log,cumulative=cumulative,\ label=cfg["label"],\ color=scattercolor, **cfg["scatterstyle"]) elif cfg['histotype'] == "line": # apply th alpha only to the "fill" setting linecfg = copy(cfg["linestyle"]) if "alpha" in linecfg: linecfg.pop("alpha") linecfg["filled"] = False if "filled" in cfg["linestyle"]: histograms[name].line(log=log, cumulative=cumulative,\ label=cfg["label"], color=color,\ **linecfg) histograms[name].line(log=log, cumulative=cumulative,\ label=None, color=color,\ **cfg["linestyle"]) else: histograms[name].line(log=log, cumulative=cumulative,\ label=cfg["label"], color=color,\ **cfg["linestyle"]) elif cfg['histotype'] == "overlay": histograms[name].line(log=log, cumulative=cumulative,\ label=cfg["label"], color=color,\ **cfg["linestyle"]) histograms[name].scatter(log=log, cumulative=cumulative,\ color=scattercolor,\ **cfg["scatterstyle"]) if cumulative: ax.set_ylabel('fraction') else: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) def _draw_histratio(self, name, axes, ylim=(0.1,2.5)): """ Plot one of the ratios Returns: tuple (float,float) : the min and max of the ratio """ ratio,total_ratio,total_ratio_errors,label = self.histratios[name] ratio.scatter(c="k", marker="o", markersize=3) axes.hlines(total_ratio,axes.get_xlim()[0],axes.get_xlim()[1],linestyle="--") if total_ratio_errors is not None: axes.hlines(total_ratio + total_ratio_errors,axes.get_xlim()[0],axes.get_xlim()[1],linestyle=":") axes.hlines(total_ratio - total_ratio_errors,axes.get_xlim()[0],axes.get_xlim()[1],linestyle=":") xs = n.linspace(axes.get_xlim()[0],axes.get_xlim()[1],200) axes.fill_between(xs,total_ratio - total_ratio_errors,\ total_ratio + total_ratio_errors,\ facecolor="grey", alpha=0.3) #axes.set_ylim(ylim) axes.set_ylabel(label) axes.grid(1) if not ratio.y is None: if not ratio.yerr is None: ymin = min(ratio.y - ratio.yerr) ymax = max(ratio.y + ratio.yerr) ymin -= (0.1*ymin) ymax += (0.1*ymax) return ymin, ymax else: ymin = min(ratio.y) ymax = max(ration.y) ymin -= (0.1*ymin) ymax += (0.1*ymax) return ymin, ymax else: return 0,0 def _locate_axes(self, combined_cumul, combined_ratio, combined_distro): axes_locator = [] if self.cumuls: if combined_cumul: axes_locator.append((0, "c")) else: axes_locator += [(x,"c") for x in range(len(self.cumuls))] if self.histratios: if combined_ratio: if axes_locator: axes_locator.append((axes_locator[-1] + 1,"r")) else: axes_locator.append((0,"r")) else: if axes_locator: axes_locator +=[(x+ len(axes_locator),"r") for x in range(len(self.histratios))] if self.histograms: if combined_distro: if axes_locator: axes_locator.append((axes_locator[-1] + 1,"h")) else: axes_locator.append((0,"h")) else: if axes_locator: axes_locator +=[(x+ len(axes_locator),"h") for x in range(len(self.histograms))] return axes_locator
[docs] def plot(self, axes_locator=((0, "c",.2), (1, "r",.2), (2, "h",.5)),\ combined_distro=True,\ combined_ratio=True,\ combined_cumul=True, normalized=True, style="classic",\ log=True, legendwidth = 1.5, ylabel="rate/bin [1/s]", figure_factory=None, zoomin=False, adjust_ticks=lambda x : x): """ Create the plot Keyword Args: axes_locator (tuple): A specialized tuple defining where the axes should be located in the plot tuple has the following form: ( (PLOTA), (PLOTB), ...) where PLOTA is a tuple itself of the form (int, str, int) describing (plotnumber, plottype, height of the axes in the figure) plottype can be either: "c" - cumulative "r" - ratio "h" - histogram combined_distro: combined_ratio: combined_cumul: log (bool): style (str): Apply a simple style to the plot. Options are "modern" or "classic" normalized (bool): figure_factor (fcn): Must return a matplotlib figure, use for custom formatting zoomin (bool): If True, select the yrange in a way that the interesting part of the histogram is shown. Caution is needed, since this might lead to an overinterpretation of fluctuations. adjust_ticks (fcn): A function, applied on a matplotlib axes which will set the proper axis ticks Returns: """"Found {} distributions".format(len(self.histograms)))"Found {} ratios".format(len(self.histratios)))"Found {} cumulative distributions".format(len(self.cumuls))) if not axes_locator: axes_locator = self._locate_axes(combined_cumul,\ combined_ratio,\ combined_distro) # calculate the amount of needed axes # assert len(axes_locator) == len(heights), "Need to specify exactly as many heights as plots you want to have" heights = [k[2] for k in axes_locator] self.canvas = YStackedCanvas(subplot_yheights=heights,\ figure_factory=figure_factory) cu_axes = [x for x in axes_locator if x[1] == "c"] h_axes = [x for x in axes_locator if x[1] == "h"] r_axes = [x for x in axes_locator if x[1] == "r"] maxheights = [] minheights = [] for ax in cu_axes: cur_ax = self.canvas.select_axes(ax[0]) if combined_cumul: for k in list(self.cumuls.keys()): self._draw_distribution(cur_ax, k, cumulative=True,log=log, ylabel=ylabel) break else: k = self.cumuls[list(self.cumuls.keys())[ax[0]]] self._draw_distribution(cur_ax,cumulative=True,log=log, ylabel=ylabel) for ax in r_axes: cur_ax = self.canvas.select_axes(ax[0]) if combined_ratio: for k in list(self.histratios.keys()): ymin, ymax = self._draw_histratio(k,cur_ax) ymin -= (ymin*0.1) ymax += (ymax*0.1) cur_ax.set_ylim(ymin,ymax) # FIXME: good tick spacing #major_tick_space = 1 #minor_tick_space = 0.1 ## in case there are too many ticks #nticks = float(ymax - ymin)/major_tick_space #while nticks > 4: # major_tick_space += 1 ##if ymax - ymin < 1: ## major_tick_space = #cur_ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MultipleLocator(minor_tick_space)) break else: k = self.histratios[list(self.histratios.keys())[ax[0]]] ymin, ymax = self._draw_histratio(k,cur_ax) ymin -= (ymin*0.1) ymax += (ymax*0.1) cur_ax.set_ylim(ymin,ymax) for ax in h_axes: cur_ax = self.canvas.select_axes(ax[0]) if combined_distro: for k in list(self.histograms.keys()): Logger.debug("drawing..{}".format(k)) self._draw_distribution(cur_ax,k,log=log, normalized=normalized, ylabel=ylabel) break else: k = self.histograms[list(self.histograms.keys())[ax[0]]] ymax, ymin = self._draw_distribution(cur_ax,k,log=log, normalized=normalized, ylabel=ylabel) cur_ax.set_ylim(ymin=ymin - 0.1*ymin,ymax=1.1*ymax) cur_ax.grid(True) lgax = self.canvas.select_axes(-1) # most upper one ncol = 2 if len(self.histograms) <= 4 else 3 if style == "classic": # draw the legend in the box above the plot legend_kwargs = {"bbox_to_anchor": [0., 1.0, 1., .102], "loc": 3, "frameon": True, "ncol": ncol, "framealpha": 1., "borderaxespad": 0, "mode": "expand", "handlelength": 2, "numpoints": 1} lg = lgax.legend(**legend_kwargs) if lg is not None: lg.get_frame().set_linewidth(legendwidth) lg.get_frame().set_edgecolor("k") else: Logger.warning("Can not set legendwidth!") if style == "modern": # be more casual lgax.legend() # plot the cuts if self.cuts: for ax in h_axes: cur_ax = self.canvas.select_axes(ax[0]) self.indicate_cut(cur_ax, arrow=True) for ax in r_axes + cu_axes: cur_ax = self.canvas.select_axes(ax[0]) self.indicate_cut(cur_ax, arrow=False) # cleanup leftplotedge, rightplotedge, minplotrange, maxplotrange = self.optimal_plotrange_histo(self.histograms.values()) if minplotrange == maxplotrange: Logger.debug("Detected histogram with most likely a single bin!") Logger.debug("Adjusting plotrange") else: if zoomin: figure_span = maxplotrange - minplotrange minplotrange -= (figure_span*0.1) maxplotrange += (figure_span*0.1) else: # start at zero and show the boring part minplotrange = 0 maxplotrange += (maxplotrange*0.1) if log: maxplotrange = 10**(np.log10(maxplotrange) + 1) if maxplotrange < 1: minplotrange -= (minplotrange*0.01) else: minplotrange = 0 # will be switched to symlog by default for ax in h_axes: self.canvas.select_axes(ax[0]).set_ylim(ymin=minplotrange, ymax=maxplotrange) self.canvas.select_axes(ax[0]).set_xlim(xmin=leftplotedge, xmax=rightplotedge) if log: if maxplotrange < 1: self.canvas.select_axes(ax[0]).set_yscale("log") else: self.canvas.select_axes(ax[0]).set_yscale("symlog") for ax in cu_axes: self.canvas.select_axes(ax[0]).set_xlim(xmin=leftplotedge, xmax=rightplotedge) for ax in r_axes: self.canvas.select_axes(ax[0]).set_xlim(xmin=leftplotedge, xmax=rightplotedge) self.canvas.eliminate_lower_yticks() # set the label on the lowest axes self.canvas.axes[0].set_xlabel(self.label) minor_tick_space = self.canvas.axes[0].xaxis.get_ticklocs() minor_tick_space = (minor_tick_space[1] - minor_tick_space[0])/10. if minor_tick_space < 0.1: Logger.debug("Adjusting for small numbers in tick spacing, tickspace detectected {}".format(minor_tick_space)) minor_tick_space = 0.1 self.canvas.axes[0].xaxis.set_minor_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MultipleLocator(minor_tick_space)) for x in self.canvas.axes[1:]: p.setp(x.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) p.setp(x.get_xticklines(), visible=False) x.xaxis.set_tick_params(which="both",\ length=0,\ width=0,\ bottom=False,\ labelbottom=False) for x in self.canvas.figure.axes: x.spines["right"].set_visible(True) adjust_ticks(x) for ax in h_axes: #self.canvas.select_axes(ax[0]).ticklabel_format(useOffset=False, style='plain', axis="y") self.canvas.select_axes(ax[0]).get_yaxis().get_offset_text().set_x(-0.1) if ((len(h_axes) == 1) and (style == "modern")): self.canvas.select_axes(-1).spines["top"].set_visible(False) self.canvas.select_axes(-1).spines["right"].set_visible(False)
[docs] @staticmethod def optimal_plotrange_histo(histograms): """ Get most suitable x and y limits for a bunc of histograms Args: histograms (list(d.factory.hist1d)): The histograms in question Returns: tuple (float, float, float, float): xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax """ leftplotedge = n.inf rightplotedge = -n.inf minplotrange = n.inf maxplotrange = -n.inf for h in histograms: if not h.bincontent.any(): continue if h.bincenters[h.bincontent > 0][0] < leftplotedge: leftplotedge = h.bincenters[h.bincontent > 0][0] leftplotedge -= h.binwidths[0] if h.bincenters[h.bincontent > 0][-1] > rightplotedge: rightplotedge = h.bincenters[h.bincontent > 0][-1] rightplotedge += h.binwidths[0] if min(h.bincontent[h.bincontent > 0]) < minplotrange: minplotrange = min(h.bincontent[h.bincontent > 0]) if max(h.bincontent[h.bincontent > 0]) > maxplotrange: maxplotrange = max(h.bincontent[h.bincontent > 0])"Estimated plotrange of xmin {} , xmax {}, ymin {}, ymax {}".format(leftplotedge, rightplotedge, minplotrange, maxplotrange)) return leftplotedge, rightplotedge, minplotrange, maxplotrange
[docs] def add_legend(self, **kwargs): """ Add a legend to the plot. If no kwargs are passed, use some reasonable default. Keyword Args: will be passed to pylab.legend """ if not kwargs: kwargs = {"bbox_to_anchor": (0.,1.0, 1., .102),\ "loc" : 3, "ncol" :3,\ "mode": "expand",\ "framealpha": 1,\ "borderaxespad": 0.,\ "handlelength": 2,\ "numpoints": 1} self.canvas.global_legend(**kwargs)
# ####################################################### # # def error_distribution_plot(h, # xlabel = r"$\log(E_{rec}/E_{ref})$", # name = "E", # median = False): # """ # # # Args: # h: # xlabel: # name: # median: # # Returns: # # """ # par = HistoFitter(h, Gauss) # fig = p.figure(figsize=(6,4),dpi=350) # ax = fig.gca() # if not median: ax.plot(h.bincenters, Gauss(par,h.bincenters),color="k",lw=2) # h.line(filled=True,color="k",lw=2,fc="grey",alpha=.5)#hatch="//") # h.line(color="k",lw=2) # ax.grid(1) # ax.set_ylim(ymax=1.1*max(h.bincontent)) # ax.set_xlim(xmin=h.bincenters[0],xmax=h.bincenters[-1]) # ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) # ax.set_ylabel("Normalized bincount") # if median: ax.vlines(h.stats.median,0,1.1*max(h.bincontent),linestyles="dashed") # textstr ="Gaussian fit:\n" # textstr += "$\mu$ = " + "%4.3f" %par[1] + "\n" + "$\sigma$ = " + "%4.2f" %par[2] # if median: # textstr = "Median:\n %4.3f" %h.stats.median # CreateTextbox(ax,textstr,boxstyle="square",xcoord=.65,fontsize=16,alpha=.9) # #Thesisize(ax) # #print h.bincontent[h.bincenters > -.1][h.bincenters < .1].cumsum()[-1] # # #ChisquareTest(h,Gauss(par,h.bincenters),xmin=-.001,xmax=.001) # #savename = Multisavefig(plotdir_stat,"parameter-reso-" + name,3,orientation="portrait",pad_inches=.3,bbox_inches="tight")[0]#pad_inches=.5,bbox_inche s="tight")[0] # return fig # # #################################################### # # def HistoFitter(histo,func,startmean=0,startsigma=.2): # # def error(p,x,y): # return n.sqrt((func(p,x) - y)**2) # # #print histo.bincontent.std() # histo.stats.mean # p0 = [max(histo.bincontent),histo.stats.mean,histo.stats.var] # output = optimize.leastsq(error,p0,args=(histo.bincenters,histo.bincontent),full_output=1) # par = output[0] # covar = output[1] # rchisquare = scipy.stats.chisquare(1*histo.bincontent,f_exp=(1*func(par,histo.bincenters)))[0]/(1*(len(histo.bincenters) -len(par))) # #print par,covar # #print "chisquare/ndof",rchisquare # #print histo.bincontent[:10], func(par,histo.bincenters)[:10] # #print "ks2_samp", scipy.stats.ks_2samp(histo.bincontent,func(par,histo.bincenters)) # return par # # ##################################################### # # def create_textbox(ax, textstr, boxstyle="round",\ # facecolor="white", alpha=.7,\ # xcoord=0.05, ycoord=0.95, fontsize=14): # """ # Create a textbox on a given axis # # Args: # ax: # textstr: # boxstyle: # facecolor: # alpha: # xcoord: # ycoord: # fontsize: # # Returns: # the given ax object # """ # props = dict(boxstyle=boxstyle, facecolor=facecolor, alpha=alpha) # # place a text box in upper left in axes coords # ax.text(xcoord, ycoord, textstr,\ # transform=ax.transAxes,\ # fontsize=fontsize,\ # verticalalignment='top', bbox=props) # return ax # # ###################################################### # # def ChisquareTest(histo, fit, xmin=-.2, xmax=.2, ndof=3): # data = histo.bincontent[histo.bincenters > xmin][histo.bincenters < xmax] # fit = fit[histo.bincenters > xmin][histo.bincenters < xmax] # #print data,fit # print (scipy.stats.chisquare(data,f_exp=fit)[0]/(len(fit) - ndof)) # print (scipy.stats.ks_2samp(data,fit)) # print (scipy.stats.anderson(data))